NITTTR Chandigarh organized a Conclave for Promoting Internationalization


NITTTR Chandigarh organized a Conclave for Promoting Internationalization

Kanwar Inder Singh/ News/ November 26,2024

National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research (NITTTR), Chandigarh (Ministry of Education, Government of India) organized a Conclave for Promoting Internationalization on 26th November, 2024 in resonance with the objective of NEP 2020 to internationalize India’s education system. As a leading institute in technical education and teacher training, NITTTR Chandigarh has consistently demonstrated a commitment to advancing academic excellence and fostering innovation.

The function was graced by Govind Jaiswal, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Education, Govt.of India. He spoke about the various aspects of NEP 2020 and the need to setup an ecosystem that can facilitate international collaboration for benefit of education and culture in India and other countries of the world via mutual activities. The delegates from Embassies of Finland, Israel, INWF (Indo Nodiac Water Farms), the representatives from IITs, IISER, NIPER, Mohali, NITs were present. The function was graced by the presence of Prof. S K Dhameja, Director General of CPSC Manila, Philippines and it was a matter of pride that NITTTR Chandigarh signed a MoU with CPSC Manila on 25th November, 2025 for further international collaboration.

After the opening remarks by Dr. Kanika Sharma, member, International liaisoning committee of NITTTR Chandigarh, Prof. (Dr.) Bhola Ram Gurjar, Director, NITTTR, Chandigarh gave the welcome address to the participants and highlighted the bjectives of the conclave. Prof. Maitreyee Dutta presented the achievements of the institute marking a significant milestone in its journey towards excellence in the higher educational domain and up-skilling of the technical workforce.

NITTTR Chandigarh organized a Conclave for Promoting Internationalization

NITTTR Chandigarh organized a Conclave for Promoting Internationalization. Prof. Rupinder Singh moderated the discussion among all the delegates who expressed their deep interest in academic and cultural collaboration with NITTTR, Chandigarh for working towards making education more accessible, affordable and in providing advanced technology skills to students and workforce in their countries with focus on SDGs. The programme ended with vote of thanks.