110 bird species at Punjabi University; bird enthusiasts participated in a workshop orgainsed by Department of Zoology


110 bird species at Punjabi University; bird enthusiasts participated in a workshop orgainsed by Department of Zoology

Kanwar Inder Singh/ royalpatiala.in News/ December 1,2024

Department of Zoology and Environmental Sciences, Punjabi University Patiala in collaboration with Bird Count India organized one day workshop to create awareness about importance of birds and their count for budding learners and bird enthusiasts at Senate hall on 30th November, 2024.

Dr. Onkar Singh Brraich, organizing Secretary of the workshop introduced the theme of the workshop and explained that with the present scenario of climate change, big loss of biodiversity is being experienced these days, consequently conservation of biodiversity including birds is highly required as they are excellent bioindicators. He explained that almost 110 bird species have been recorded from the university campus.

Prof. (Dr.) Gurinder Kaur Walia, Head of the department and Convener of the workshop formally welcomed the participants and said that university campus is rich in bird diversity as university provide variety of habitat and food to range of bird species.

Prof. (Dr.) Minni Singh, Dean, Faculty of Life Sciences acted as chief guest in the workshop and in her inaugural remarks, she congratulated the organizers and explained that she mesmerizes with thechirping of the birds in the morning times in the university campus. She further said that we have good population of pea cock our National bird in the campus.

Mittal Gala and Simakshi from Bird Count India explained about various techniques of counting of birds in India and how that data should be documented on eBird app. Both the experts demonstrated eBird app to the budding birders during the workshop. This data will help to initiate conservation efforts about endangered speciesin some pockets where those birdsexisting.

Prof. (Dr.) M.S, Saini, Former Head of the department and former Dean Academic Affairs, Punjabi University, Patiala explained in his talk that if we want to conserve bird population then there is a need to document the existing bird fauna and expertise should be created to identify birds from their voice as each and every bird is having a peculiar voice.

110 bird species at Punjabi University; bird enthusiasts participated in a workshop orgainsed by Department of Zoology

Gurmeet Singh, Former Chief Wildlife Warden, Punjab explain well about bird ring and its importance to the participants and said that he participated in bird ringing in Punjab at Harike wetland organized by wildlife department in collaboration with Bombay Natural History Society in the past, under the guidance of father of ornithology Dr. Salim Ali.

Dr. Gurpartap Singh Coordinator of the workshop proposed vote of thanks.

Almost 50 renowned birders and bird enthusiasts participated in the workshop. Campus walk was also organized.