Punjabi University research discovered 12 news species of Polyporoid Mushrooms; 4 species with anticancer medicinal properties


Punjabi University research discovered 12 news species of Polyporoid Mushrooms; 4 species with anticancer medicinal properties

Kanwar Inder singh/ royalpatiala.in News/ December 15,2024

Avneet Kaur, Research Scholar, Department of Botany, Punjabi University, described of 62 species of the polyporoid mushrooms based on samples collected for four years (2018-2022) from different parts of Punjab. The research work, under the supervision of Dr. Avneet Pal Singh, was carried in association with Prof. Saroj Arora, Department of Botanical and Environmental Science, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar.

Avneet Kaur told that these 62 species belong to 24 genera, 7 families and 4 orders of Basidiomycota. Out of 62 described species described, 12 have been described as new to India.

Another 30 have been recorded as new for Punjab. She told that four polypore species (Fulvifomes macgregorii, Ganoderma ramosisimum, Lenzites warnieri and Phellinus fastuosus) were evaluated for their antioxidative, anticancer and phytochemical potential. Twelve extracts prepared from the selected species were analyzed for the medicinal properties mentioned above. Of the 12 extracts analyzed, 4 extracts were observed with significant antioxidant capacity and were further taken up for anticancer studies.

Dr. Avneet Pal Singh told that in the anticancer analysis, the extracts were subjected to MTT assay using three cell lines i.e., A431, HeLa, MG-63. The selected were found to be highly cytotoxic to A431 cell line which is a human epidermoid carcinoma cell line in a dose dependent manner. Flourescence microscopy revealed rounding of, detachment of cells, cell blebbing, shrinkage and chromatin condensation and necrosis after treating the cancer cells with these extracts. He told that further the flow cytometer analysis also revealed significant amount of apoptosis and mitochondrial membrane potential degradation which was checked using ROS assay and MMP assay.

Punjabi University research discovered 12 news species of Polyporoid Mushrooms; 4 species with anticancer medicinal properties

He told that the phytochemical analysis unveiled a substantial quantity of phenols and flavonoids, assessed through TPC (Total Phenolic Content) and TFC (Total Flavonoid Content) assays. Subsequently, HPLC analysis confirmed the predominant presence of Gallic acid and catechin in the sample. These metabolites may be responsible for the medicinal properties of these polyporoid mushrooms.

Punjabi University research discovered 12 news species of Polyporoid Mushrooms; 4 species with anticancer medicinal properties . Prof. Narinder Kaur Multani, Dean Academic Affairs, appreciated this research work and congratulated the supervisor and the researcher.