Dr Amar Singh demands MSP for other crops


Dr Amar Singh demands MSP for other crops

Jasbir Kapoor/ royalpatiala.in/ Fatehgarh Sahib

Dr Amar Singh MP Shri Fatehgarh Sahib parliamentary constituency raised various issues in Lok sabha today pertaining to the agriculture sector of the state.

While speaking on the Budget demands of Ministry of Agriculture and farmers welfare for 2019-20 stressed how the current budget failed to address the underlying causes of farmer indebtedness and rural distress. He said the unbaited farmer suicides, farmer protests and weakening rural demand were all signs of a serious crisis in Indian agriculture.

He said that at the same time Agriculture growth for the last five years had been slower than UPA years and we are very very far from doubling of farmers incomes as of now.

He demanded MSP and procurement on lines of wheat and paddy for other crops to combat the pressure being faced by farmers.

Dr Amar Singh demands MSP for other crops

He also demanded to set up a National Agricultural Council on lines of the GST council. Solving the farm crisis requires the active involvement of the states.

He said that none of the current schemes were targeted at giving relief to landless labourers and tenant farmers who make up the majority of those engaged in agriculture. Without doing so it is impossible to be rid of rural distress.

He highlighted the threat posed by climate change and quickened melting of Himalayan glaciers to agriculture in North India especially Punjab and demanded an active discussion on the matter be taken up in the house. He also highlighted the grim groundwater scenario in Punjab.