Pb Govt changes Janam Astmi 23 Aug holiday to NIT Act 1881,banks to remain closed


Pb Govt changes Janam Astmi 23 Aug holiday to NIT Act 1881,banks to remain closed

KS Diwan/ royalpatiala.in/ Chandigarh

The Punjab Government declared holiday for August 23 in its all government institutions, Schools, offices, boards and corporations in connection with the festive occasion of Janam Astmi.

Pb Govt changes Janam Astmi 23 Aug holiday to NIT Act 1881,banks to remain closed

Disclosing this official spokesperson of the Punjab Government said that earlier holiday in connection with Janam Astmi was scheduled for August 24 and now this holiday has been preponed to the date August 23.

Pb Govt changes Janam Astmi 23 Aug holiday to NIT Act 1881,banks to remain closed

This holiday is under section 25 of Negotiable Instrument Act 1881. Now banks to remain closed for three days as 23 is holiday declared under Negotiable Instrument Act 1881, 24th is fourth Saturday and 25th is Sunday