Prof. (Dr). J. S. Bal Nominated in Scientific Committee of 5thInternational Jujube Symposium


Prof. (Dr). J. S. Bal Nominated in Scientific Committee of 5thInternational Jujube Symposium

Kanwar Inder Singh/

Prof. (Dr.) J. S. Bal, Dean Faculty of Agriculture and Head Department of Agriculture of Sri Guru Granth Sahib World University, Fatehgarh Sahib is nominated as a member of Scientific Committee of 5th International Jujube Symposium, organized by International Society of Horticultural Science to be held at Baoding, China from Sept. 5-8, 2021. The symposium is organized by Hebei Agricultural University, China. The main aim of organizing 5th International Jujube Symposium is to share the latest achievements and research progress in the field of jujube, promote communication and cooperation among world experts. Dr. Bal is inducted at 4th number in the scientific committee consisting 15 members from different countries. The scientific committee has 7 scientists from China, 2 each from India and Pakistan and one each from USA, Australia, Kuwait and Italy. He has been nominated as a only member of scientific committee from North India.

Earlier Dr. Bal represented India in 2nd and 3rd International Jujube Symposium held at Xinzheng, China in September 2011 and Brisbane, Australia in August 2014, respectively. He delivered keynote address on “Use of rootstocks in Indian Jujube” in China and ”Development and Production of India Jujube” in Australia in the inaugural session of the symposium. He also presented his work on “Historic Ber Trees in Golden Temple Amritsar – 20 Years of Consistent Care” in 3rd IJS at Xinzheng, China in Sept. 2011. In recognition to his contributions in ber fruit crop, he was also inducted member in International Scientific Committee Jujube 2016 Workshop, Bucharest, Romania and 4th International Jujube Symposium held at Istanbul, Turkey in 2018.

Prof. (Dr). J. S. Bal Nominated in Scientific Committee of 5thInternational Jujube Symposium

Dr. Bal remained a resource person and team leader in ber crop at PAU for many years. He has published 163 research papers in National and International Journals, 39 symposium papers and 124 technical articles in horticulture. Dr. Bal has authored/edited 11 books in horticulture which are very popular among students, scientists, fruit growers, nurserymen, and extension workers engaged in horticulture. He has guided 98 M.Sc / Ph.D students (19 as major Advisor & 79 as minor Advisor) and presently guiding 5 M.Sc. students. Dr. Bal was awarded ‘Shri Hans Raj Pahwa Award’ 1998 by PAU; ‘Distinguished Alumni Award’ 2002 by Khalsa College Amritsar, ‘Shri G.L. Chadha Memorial Gold Medal’ 2004 by The Horticultural Society of India; ‘The Best Citizen of India Award’ 2006 by IPH New Delhi and ‘Fellowship’ by The Horticultural Society of India in 2018.

July 26,2021