Vigilance finds irregularities in dope test for new, renewal of Arms license in a statewide checking


Vigilance finds irregularities in dope test for new, renewal of Arms license in a statewide checking

Kanwar Inder Singh/ News/ July 25,2023

In order to ensure prevent the issuance of Arms Licenses to any substance user or any ineligible person in the state, Punjab Vigilance Bureau on Tuesday conducted a statewide surprise checking of the Government Hospitals in which dope tests are being conducted before the issuance or renewal of the Arms License.

Pertinently, undergoing a dope test is mandatory for the persons, who want to get issued either a new Arms License or want to get it renewed. The Dope test aims to check the presence of psychoactive drugs in biological specimens.

As many as 106 Police personnel from Vigilance Bureau across the state made surprise inspections and meticulously checked the process and documentation of Dope testing of at least 51 persons, who had come for the test.

Disclosing the details here today, an official spokesperson of the Vigilance Bureau said that some irregularities were found in the process for which appropriate remedial action is being initiated in consultation with the Punjab Health Department and concerned Deputy Commissioners (DCs) to ensure that no arms license should be issued to any unauthorised or in-eligible persons in order to prevent misuse of weapons.

Vigilance finds discrepancies in dope test for new, renewal of Arms license in a statewide checking

Vigilance finds irregularities in dope test for new, renewal of Arms license in a statewide checking. Meanwhile, the objective of the programme is to identify the substance users in the persons applying for a grant of arms license. Compact multi-kits are being used to check adulteration as well as ten drugs Morphine, Codeine, D-propoxyphene, Benzodiazepines, Cannabinol, Barbiturates, Cocaine, Amphetamines, Buprenorphine and Tramadol.

Punjab government had made dope test mandatory to procure arm license. Dope tests were made compulsory for renewal of licenses as well. Government made dope test mandatory, to ensure the safety of residents.