10 IAS officers promoted as secretaries by Punjab government


10 IAS officers promoted as secretaries by Punjab government

Kanwar Inder Singh/ royalpatiala.in/ Chandigarh

Punjab government has promoted 10 IAS officers of 2004 batch to the Super Time Scale of the Indian Administrative Service in level 14 of the pay matrix w.e.f 01.01.2020:

  1. Arshdeep Singh Thind (Proforma Promotion)
  2. Manashvi Kumar
  3. Varun Roojam
  4. Kavita Singh
  5. Shruti Singh (Proforma promotion)
  6. Chander Gaind
  7. Manvesh Singh Sidhu
  8. Dharam Pal
  9. Gaggandip Singh Brar
  10. Arun Sekhri

10 IAS officers promoted as secretaries by Punjab government

Manashvi Kumar, Manvesh Singh Sidhu, Gaggandip Singh Brar and Arun Sekhri are designated as secretaries to the Government of Punjab.

Arshdeep Singh Thind, Varun Roojam, Kavita Singh, Shruti Singh, Chander Gaind and Dharam Pal will be designated as secretaries to the Government of Punjab, whenever they are posted in the Punjab Civil Secretariat.