101st Anniversary of Architects Organisation IIA celebrated


101st Anniversary of Architects Organisation IIA celebrated

Patiala-101 Year Anniversary of The Indian Institute Of Architects (A body a India level of Architects ) was celebrated by The Indian Institute of Architects (IIA) Patiala sub centre and Patiala Architects Association.

On same day General Body meeting was also held and Bi-annual reports were delivered by the Office Bearers.  This event was attended by more than 50 Architects of Patiala. Ar. P.S Ahluwalia  Secretary of IIA Punjab Body was present and discussed about the achievement done in the past of Patiala Architects organisations like suggestions in  improvements in Building Byelaws, Master plan Patiala , Traffic Control etc etc.

101st Anniversary of Architects Organisation IIA celebrated

Ar L.R. Gupta Chairman IIA Patiala explained the Journey of Patiala Architects Organizations. Ar Indu Arrora delivered the Financial Report. M/s Atma Ram Sohan lal played a leading role in organising the event and it’s Director made aware the audience about the new launched sanitary ware brand Queo. Other who present were Ar. Amandeep singh, Ar. R.S Sandu , Ar Amit Singla , Ar. Lokesh Gupta , Ar. Rakesh Arrora , and many other. In Patiala these Architects bodies are playing their role to build the socially responsive city planning.  Suggest about the improvement in the city planning and networks about Road , Sewer and water etc so that City may have better Infrastructure with less investment