176 pending cases pertaining to family disputes amongst 15K cases resolved in National Lok Adalat at Patiala


176 pending cases pertaining to family disputes amongst 15K cases resolved in National Lok Adalat at Patiala

Kanwar Inder singh/ royalpatiala.in News/ December 14,2024

National Lok Adalat pertaining to all types of cases (except non compoundable criminal cases) was held in District Patiala on 14.12.2024 under the able guidance of Rupinderjit Chahal, Ld. District & Sessions Judge-cum-Chairperson, District Legal Services Authority, Patiala and under the supervision of Muneesh Arora, Ld. Additional District & Sessions Judge, Patiala.

In this National Lok Adalat, 29 lok adalat benches including 18 in Patiala, 05 in Rajpura, 02 in Nabha and 02 in Samana were constituted in District Patiala. One bench was constituted in Revenue Court of District Patiala for settlement of maximum cases pertaining to mutation and partition etc.

Besides, one bench was also constituted in women cell, Patiala to resolve the cases through mutual settlement prior to registration of cases in matrimonial disputes. In this National Lok Adalat, 37011 cases were taken up under different categories and 15255 cases were settled through mutual compromise involving amount of Rs 45,97,85,201/-

176 pending cases pertaining to family disputes amongst 15K cases resolved in National Lok Adalat at Patiala . On this occasion, Navdeep Kaur Gill, Civil Judge (Senior Division)–cum-Incharge, District Legal Services Authority, Patiala highlighted the numerous advantages of Lok Adalats. She emphasized that once a case is resolved in a Lok Adalat, its decision becomes final and cannot be appealed. Additionally, any court fees previously paid by the parties are refunded. This process ensures a swift resolution of disputes, as per mutually agreed terms of the involved parties, leading to a beneficial outcome for all. The primary goal of Lok Adalats is to foster amicable settlements through compromise, ultimately saving time, money and mitigating personal animosity between the disputing parties.

176 pending cases pertaining to family disputes amongst 15K cases resolved in National Lok Adalat at Patiala

The important feature of National Lok Adalat was the settlement of 176 cases pertaining to family disputes which were pending before the Family Courts of Principal Judge, Sandeep Kumar Singla and Additional Principal Judge Deepika Singh.