20 YouTube Channels, 2 websites blocked for spreading anti-India propaganda


20 YouTube Channels, 2 websites blocked for spreading anti-India propaganda

Kanwar Inder Singh/ royalpatiala.in

In a closely coordinated effort between intelligence agencies and Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, the Ministry on Monday ordered the blocking of 20 channels on YouTube and 2 websites spreading anti-India propaganda and fake news on the internet. Vide two separate orders – one for 20 YouTube channels directing YouTube, and the other for 2 news websites, requesting Department of Telecom to direct the internet service providers for blocking of the news channels/portals.

The channels and websites belong to a coordinated disinformation network operating from Pakistan and spreading fake news about various sensitive subjects related to India. The channels were used to post divisive content in a coordinated manner on topics like Kashmir, Indian Army, minority communities in India, Ram Mandir, General Bipin Rawat,etc.

The modus operandi of the anti-India disinformation campaign involved The Naya Pakistan Group (NPG), operating from Pakistan, having a network of YouTube channels, and some other standalone YouTube channels not related to NPG. The channels had a combined subscriber base of over 35 lakh, and their videos had over 55 crore views. Some of the YouTube channels of the Naya Pakistan Group (NPG) were being operated by anchors of Pakistani news channels.

These YouTube channels had also posted content on issues such as the farmers’ protest, protests related to the Citizenship (Amendment) Act, and tried to incite the minorities against the Government of India. It was also feared that these YouTube channels would be used to post content to undermine the democratic process of the upcoming elections in five states.

The Ministry has acted to secure the information space in India, and utilized emergency powers under the Rule 16 of the Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021. The Ministry observed that Most of the content pertains to subjects sensitive from the perspective of national security and are factually incorrect, and are being mainly posted from Pakistan as a coordinated disinformation network (as in the case of Naya Pakistan Group) against India and thus deemed it fit for action under the provisions to block content in case of emergency.

20 YouTube Channels, 2 websites blocked for spreading anti-India propaganda

Annexure: Media statistics and Content posted by YouTube channels orderedto be blocked by Ministry of Information & Broadcasting



YouTube Channel Name



Examples of fake content posted by the channel



Media Statistics








The Punch Line

  1. 20 Indian Army Generals Neutralized In TrainingCenter Of Kashmir Targeted By KashmirMujaheddin
  2. Imran Khan Zindabad !! Kashmir Louds As Kashmiri People Got Major Victory Over Indian Army ||Modi
  3. 200 Indian Army Personnels Accept Islam In Srinagar || Big News For Indian Army AndGovernment
  4. Biggest Setback To Narendra Modi As Indian Army Denies To Fire Kashmir People Anymore ||Kashmir
  5. 14 KM Long Tunnel Of Indian Army Targeted By Kashmir Mujahedin || 60 Officers Assassinated ||Modi
  6. Boycott India Campaign At Peak !! 57 Islamic Countries Takes Historic Decision To SupportMuslim
  7. Reconstruction Of Mosque At Place Of Ram Mandir Announced By Tayyab Erdogan || Yogi, Modi InTrouble





Subscribers: 1,16,000

Views: 2,01,31,840



InternationalWeb News

  1. Khalistan Referendum Uk 2021 | #khalistan #khalistanreferendum#khalistanreferendum2021 #khalistanuk
  2. Khalistan Referendum Song 2021| #khalistansong2021 #khalistanreferendum #khalistansong#khalistan
  3. India is Sponsoring Terrorism in thisRegion

Subscribers: 1,14,000

Views: 1,50,46,007



Khalsa TV

1. Sikhs For Justice (SFJ) scores first win in a defamation case, SFJ ਨੂੰਕੈਨੇਡਾਵਿੱਚਵਿਲੀਿੱਡੀਸਫ਼ਲਤਾ



Subscribers: 698

Views: 27,419




The Naked Truth

  1. Indian Army Battalion Joins Wadi Resistance And Accept Demands Of Mujahedin | Surprise To PMModi
  2. 47 Indian Generals Group With Tanks Announce To Help Kashmir Resistance Over Liberation | PmModi
  3. Five Country Alliance Takes Brilliant Decision onBabri Masjid
  4. Indian Army Defeated In Kashmir | Situation gonein

Subscribers: 4,61,000

Views: 8,89,71,816


 new Direction for PM Modi after Amit Shah Visit

  1. Indian Army Goes Back from Kashmir | Kashmir Issue| Pakistan Vs India |نکبھاگسےکشمیرفوجبھارتی
  2. New Orders Released Interpol To Catch Modi In 7 Days, A QuickDevelopment
 1. Indian Sources Confirm 3 Big Attacks On Indian Army 
 From Assam To Kashmir & Maharashtra | PM Modi 
 2. Valley Local Fighters Hostage Indian Army | Solid 
 Surprise To India, Pm Modi, Amit Sha In Unique Way 
 3. The slogans of independence of occupied Kashmir WithSubscribers:
News24Sikhs Support | Sidhu’s Plan Against Pm Modi

4. 200 Indian Army Personnel Accept Islam In Srinagar |



 Big News For Indian Army And Government | Modi2,36,781
 5. Turk Envoy Pay Visit House Of Martyr In Srinagar | A 
 Big Challenge For Indian Army And Govt, PM Modi 
 6. Israeli Commandos In Kashmir | Indian Army Chief 
 Visits Israel to Counter Pakistan and China 
 1. China’s plan to occupy seven Indian states|48 newsSubscribers: NA

Views: 2,40,56,799

 2. Chinese army plans to occupy Assam after Ladakh|48
48 Newsnews
 3. Fake operations of Indian Army are going on in
 Kashmir|48 news
 1. Turkish Army Enters In New Dehli || Erdogan || Modi || 
 Turkey || Babri Masjid 
 2. 300 Indian Spy Hang By Afghaan Talebans And Give 
 Clear Massage To Modi And Yogi 
 3. Joe Biden And Erdogan Going To Enter Troops In 
 Kashmir As Modi Dismissed Article 370 | Turkey, USA 
 4. Joe Biden Order US Army To Enter In Delhi, ImranSubscribers:
FictionalKhan Plan Works In a Positive Way About Modi

5. 7 Arab Countries Ready To Cut The Oil Supply Of India



 On The Order Of Mohamm Bin Salman, Shah Salman4,01,51,199
 6. Afghan Talibans Take Big Decision About Yogi On His 
 Role About Babri Masjid | Latest Message To Modi 
 7. North Korea Give Warning to Modi to Finish Article 370 
 || Imran Khan Will Meet Kim Jong-un Very Soon 
 8. Anas Haqqani Give Big Order About RSS Chief On 
 Babri Masjid And Tripura | Modi Make New Decision 
 1. Joe Biden Imposed Sanctions On Modi As RSSSubscribers:
Historical FactsDestroyed Christian Schools

3. Tayyip Erdogan Send 35,000 Mercenaries For Kashmir



 4. Turk Army Enter Ayodhya Ram Mandir To Takes16,11,42,944



6. 12 Arab Countries Cut Indian Petrol Supply Line || Takes Revenge Of Tripura Masjid

8. Modi Audio Leaked About Article 370 As Mujahedeen Hit Important Commander

 1. PM Modi concedes defeat in Kashmir || Article 370 
 restored as BJP played a big game in IOK 
 2. Taliban army leaves Kabul for India || Modi and Amit 
 Shah Got Worried About their Lives | Kashmir 
 3. Indian Soldiers Recited Kalima After Caught up By 
 Kashmiri Mujahidin || Latest situation in KashmirSubscribers:
Punjab Viral4. Kashmiri Mujahideen attack 6 convoys of Indian Army ||

Military convoy of Srinagar was blown up



 5. Kashmiri Mujahdeeens Take The Revenge Of Babri14,80,000
 Masjid To Modi And Amit Shah 
 6. 5 Ministers Of Modi Start Revolt | Modi, Amit Shah And 
 Rajnath Singh 
 7. The Khalistan Movement became a nightmare for Modi | 
 The Sikhs Hoist Flag over Indian Parliament 
 1. North Korea Leader Kim Jong Un Send His Army In 
 Ayodhya || Modi || Amit Shah || Babri Masjid 

Naya Pakistan Global

  1. Turkey Decide To Send His Army In India , Babari Masjid , Modi , TayyipErdogan
  2. Indian Army Chief Took Modi To Indian SupremeCourt

|| Ladakh || Sikkim ||

  1. Modi Accepted His Mistake About Babri Masjid ||India
Subscribers: 7,76,000

Views: 9,68,44,208

 5. ICJ To Take Important Decision On CAA, NRC, NPR, 
 Article 370 
 1. 24 Indian Armymen Targeted Publicly In Nagaland By 
 Locals As Revenge Of Their People || Bipin Rawat 
 2. Another Surprise As Son Of Yogi Aditayanath CapturedSubscribers:
Cover StoryFrom Ayudhia By Unknown People || Bipin Rawat

3. United Nations Takes Historic Decision Against RSS



 Chief Amid Muslims Genocide In India || Mohan19,51,199
 4. 80 Tanks Of Afghan Tal Reach At Srinagar To Help 
 Kashmir Resistance Against Indian Occupation 
 1.Indian Defense Minister Rajnath Singh Accepted Defeat 
 Against Pakistan, China || Zaki Abbas ||Subscribers:
Go Global2. China Sent Indian Diplomats Packing From Its12,200
eCommerceEmbassies, New Game Starts II Modi, Xi Jinping, RajnathViews:
 3. A big announcement from Sikh farmers, PM Modi’s life4,50,000
 is in danger. What happen next? |Zaki Abbas| 


 4. Modi Hitler Distribute Millions Of Dollars In Security Forces For Kashmir’s Genocide || Zaki Abbas 
 1. CDS Bipin Rawat Helicopter Crash Case | China Give 
 Important Proof About Joe Biden | Modi, Mi-17 
 2. Indian Army Enter In Church After Mosque | 192 

Junaid Haleem Official

Countries Take Big Action Against Modi | Joe Biden

  1. 1000 Assam Muslims Reach To Afghaan Talebans To Take Help | Bahrain Call Of Boycott | UAE,Turkey
  2. 9 Indian Army Soldiers Target ByPakistani

Commandoes In Kashmir | Indian Media Claims | Imran

Subscribers: NA

Views: 11,18,854

 5. India Breaks After The Lastest Decision Of China About 
 Kashmir And Khalistan | Modi, Xi Jinping 
 1. America Imposed Sanctions On Rajnath Singh, Bipan 



Subscribers: NA

Views: 8,04,112

 Rawat, Naravane || Putin India Visit Out Come ||
 2. Saudi Arabia Cut Indian Petroleum Supply || MBS Gives
 Big Shock To Modi ||
 3. Russia Warn India On New Big Development In
Tayyab HanifKashmir ||
 4. Indian Air Force Jets Move Chandigarh, Jaipur To Kabul
 Weapon || Afghan Leaders Declare War On India
 5. 36 Indian Islands To Become Kashmir || Save
 Lakshadweep || Modi Govt Make Big Mistake ||
 1. 12 Indian Air Force Soliders Arresrted In The Bipin 
 Rawat Mi-17 Helicopter Case | Modi 
 2. Bipin Rawat Execute By China To Respond Modi On 
 The Current Situation Of Ladakh | Mi-17 Helicopter 
 3. Oil Shortage In India After Mohammad Bin Salman CutSubscribers:
Zain Ali OfficialThe Supply | Modi Call Urgent Meeting

4. 5000 Assam Muslims Join Afghaan Talebans To Make



 New Step About Modi | Zain Ali1,54,58,170
 5. Big News!! Modi Shift RSS Headquarter Into Kashmirr 
 During The Visit Of Amit Shah | Imran Khan 
 6. 40 Indian Spy Capture By The Afghaan Talebans To 
 Send Big Message To Modi, IPL Banned In Afghanistan 
 1. Indian Army Shows Proof That Tamil Tigers Hit On 
 Bipin Rawat Helicopter With Rockets | IAFSubscribers:
Mohsin Rajput2. 193 Countries Take Action On Kashmir and Warn ModiNA
OfficialOn Article 370 | Imran khan, MBS, ErdoganViews:
 3.1000 Assam Muslims Reached Afghanistan For Taking17,76,473
 Training To Talebans | Ans Haqani, Bahrain 


  1. Indian Army Moving Back From Srinagar As Mujahedeen More Advanced | Article 370, Modi,Naravane
  2. Kashmirri Hindus Make Alliance With Mujahedeen and Targets On Fouji Base With Drone |Naravane
 1. Afghaan Talebans Come To Help Kashmiri Mujahdeens 
 In Order To End Article 370 | Kaneez Fatima 
 2. Kashmiri Mujahdeens Give Big Surprise To Modi With 
 The Help Of Afghaan Talebans | Kaneez Fatima 
 3. 1000 Afghaan Talebans Trainers Help The People OfSubscribers:
Kaneez FatimaAssam To Take Revenge To Modi | Kaneez Fatima

4. 50 Indian Spy Hang By Afghaan Talebans To Send Big



 Message To Modi | Badri 313 Force Amazing Action5,24,417
 5. 27 Indain States Start Revolt After Modi Plane Land On 
 The New Delhi Airport | Kaneez Fatima 
 6. Tripura!! Hindu Pandit Destroy The 15 Mosques To 
 Take Revenge From Bangladesh To Demolished Mandirs 
 1. Modi’s emergency visit to Kashmirr after the major 
 defeat of the Indian Army || Gen.Bajwa || Sadaf 
 2. 200 Kashmirii Mujahdeeen Attackk on Indian Armyy ||Subscribers:
Sadaf DurraniBiggest Lost of Indian trooops || Sadaf Durrani

3. Indian Farmers Final Decision to have Independent State



 || Sadaf Durrani18,33,054
 4. Pakistan Surprises to India on Rajasthan Borderr | India 
 taking Revenge on Kashmiri students | Sadaf 
 1. China Exposed How USA Involved In Bipen Rawat 
 Murder || Modi Next Plan Failed || Big Revelation 
 2. Kashmiri Freedom Fighters Brought Dooms Day In 
 Delhi || Gotham Ghambir Murder ? || Modi WeptSubscribers:
Mian Imran3. Pakistani War Jet Entered In Kashmir || Beginning Of36,000
AhmadAtomic War || Indian Media Got MadViews:
 4. Indian General Exposed Modi Plan Of Bipen Rawat35,81,132
 Murder || Modi Life In Danger || Red Alert 
 5. India & Japan Put Atom Bomb Water In Pakistan Ocean 
 With American Support || Pak China High Alert 
 1. Bipin Rawat Helicopter was not an Accident, BJP & RSS 
 New Plane Against Indian Muslims | Najam Bajwa 
 2. how india betrayed america for its own benefits – NajamSubscribers:
Najam Ul HassanUl Hassan Bajwa8,54,000
Bajwa3. What Happened with the lower class Hindus in Kerala,Views:
 Hilal Food issues in India – Najam Bajwa11,44,43,751
 4. Xi Jinping Agresive Order to Border Securty Forces 
 Agianst Indian Army on LAC – Najam Bajwa 


  1. India Stops Iranian Trade Cargo Ships at Gujarat Sea Port to Show his Loyalty to Biden – NajamBajwa
  2. Threat of Snipers: Indian Army Hesitating to Enter in Poonch Jungal for Operation – NajamBajwa
  3. Kashmiri Mujahideen Targets Indian Army With Rockets || Original Pics Issued || Modi InTrouble
  4. Tough Time for Modi, The survival of Indian Army in Jungal is very Difficult Now – NajamBajwa
  5. Big News! 500 Guerilla Mujahideen Enter Kashmir Valley || SSG Commandos Reach, Indian MediaClaim
Overall Statistics of the Channels which have been directed to be blocked
Total Views: 58,68,07,175
Total Subscribers: 37,52,898