When 21 Sikh Soldiers fought World’s most deadly battle at Saragarhi


When 21 Sikh Soldiers fought World’s most deadly battle at Saragarhi

KS Diwan / royalpatiala.in / Ferozepur

Saragarhi Battle is amongst the world most deadly battle, recognised by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization). In this battle 21 Sikh soldiers of 36 Battalion fought with 10,000 Afghan (Pashtun) Orakzai Tribal forces on 12, Sept. 1897. The battle occurred in the North-West Frontier Province, which formed part of British India. It is now named the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa and is part of Pakistan.

When 21 Sikh Soldiers fought World’s most deadly battle at Saragarhi (Photo courtesy- Internet)

These 21 Sikh soldier under the command of Havaldar Ishar Singh fought valiantly, with full courage and defended the post till their last breath. They all chose to fight to the death. It is considered by some military historians as one of history’s great last-stands

165 Havildar Ishar Singh

546 Lance Naik Chanda Singh

332 Naik Lal Singh

1651 Sepoy Jivan Singh

791 Sepoy Bhola Singh

1221 Sepoy Nand Singh

834 Sepoy Narayan Singh

814 Sepoy Gurmukh Singh

1321 Sepoy Sundar Singh

871 Sepoy Jivan Singh

287 Sepoy Ram Singh

1733 Sepoy Gurmukh Singh

492 Sepoy Uttar Singh

163 Sepoy Ram Singh

182 Sepoy Sahib Singh

1257 Sepoy Bhagwan Singh

359 Sepoy Hira Singh

1265 Sepoy Bhagwan Singh

687 Sepoy Daya Singh

1556 Sepoy Buta Singh

760 Sepoy Jivan Singh

When 21 Sikh Soldiers fought World’s most deadly battle at Saragarhi (Photo courtesy- Internet)

Saragarhi is now in Pakistan, was an important link between the two forts of border district of Kohat. These two forts are Fort Lockhart and Fort Gulistan, situated a few miles apart. As these forts are not being visible to each other, Saragarhi Post was created midway as a Heliographic communication post.Tribal Pashtuns continued to attack British personnel from time to time. Maharaja Ranjit Singh, a sikh ruler  originally built the series of forts on the border belt.

When 21 Sikh Soldiers fought World’s most deadly battle at Saragarhi (Photo courtesy- Internet)

On 12 September 1897, Pashtuns attacked Saragarhi, the singalling post, so that communication would be lost between the two forts.

At that time each Sikh soldier have only 400 round of ammunition with them. They fought with courage, proper planning and failed the attempt made by Afghan rebels to capture an important post of Britishers- Saragarhi.

Britishers recognized their bravery and honoured each Sikh Soldier with “Indian Order of Merit” to all soldier, posthumously which at the time was one of the highest gallantry awards given to Indian troops. All dependants of the Saragarhi heroes were awarded 50 acres of land and 500 Rupees. Never before or since has a body of troops – that is, all of them won gallantry awards in a single action.