5 SSPs promoted as DIG; Punjab govt posted IPS officer as DIG before his actual promotion orders


5 SSPs promoted as DIG; Punjab govt posted IPS officer as DIG before his actual promotion orders

Kanwar Inder Singh/ January 24,2023

Today Punjab government has issue a promotion orders of five IPS officers of 2009 batch as deputy inspector general (DIG).

Those who are promoted today as DIG are Naveen Singla,Swapan Sharma, Kuldeep Singh, Ajay Maluja and Rakesh kumar Kaushal.

But, Punjab government has posted Kuldeep Singh, IPS of 2009 batch as commissioner of police Jalandhar , after his return from deputation from Chandigarh on January 21,2023.

As Commissioner of Police is a DIG/ IG level post, but at the time of posting Kuldeep Singh was a SSP level officer.

5 SSPs promoted as DIG; Punjab govt posted IPS officer as DIG before his actual promotion orders

IG,DIG, SSP, SP rank 24 IPS-PPS transferred in Punjab

(royalpatiala.in News)