53RD Engineers’ day celebrated by Institution of Engineers (India),Bathinda


53RD Engineers’ day celebrated by Institution of Engineers (India),Bathinda

Jasbir Kapoor/ royalpatiala.in/ Bathinda

53rd Engineers’ day was celebrated by the Institution of Engineers (India) Bathinda centre on the Theme – ENGINEERS FOR A SELF – RELIANT INDIA. On this occasion, keynote address was delivered by Dr. Rakesh Kumar Bansal, Professor ECE Deptt., Giani Zail Singh Campus College of Engg. & Tech. Bathinda and Dr. Vikasdeep, Assistant Professor, University School of Business Studies, Talwandi Sabo. Dr. Tara Singh Kamal Council Member IEI was chief guest of the day and Presided over the function.

Dr. R K Bansal of Giani Zail Singh Engineering College Bathinda speaking on the occasion highlighted the achievements made by the Indian Engineers including E Sreedharan, Tessy Thomas, Raghu Ram Rajan, Sundar Pichai and many an unsung hero around the globe. He emphasized that with changing times, Engineering community is facing a bigger challenge to make India self-reliant.

He stressed that Local business models-based solutions, as per local needs particularly in AgriTech needs to be developed in line with “Vocal for Local” scheme of Govt. Like Biofuels from Crop residue to handle local Govt transport can be a good option. He opined that we need to make country a hub for manufacturing to serve ever-growing Asian market using demographic dividends.

Dr. Vikas Deep while deliberating on the theme of the day expressed that for India to become self reliant, we have to move from domestic centric economy to globally centric economy. This can be achieved only when India moves from low technology to high technology environment and engineers have to play key role for this transition for making India self reliant nation.

More than 57 persons including professional engineers and senior educationists of the country including those from Yadavindra College of Engineering Talwandi Sabo, Punjabi University Patiala, MRSPTU Bathinda and BFCET Deon attended the webinar. The webinar was well received and appreciated by the participants.

MRSPTU, Registrar and Chairman Local Bathinda Centre, Dr. Buta Singh Sidhu welcomed the participants.

Prof. (Dr.) Jagtar Singh, Honorary Secretary (IEI Bathinda Local Centre) and Council member (IE, India) coordinated the webinar and proposed the vote of thanks. Dr. Jagtar Singh, while expressing his thoughts, appreciated the efforts of engineers in post independence era for making India self reliant nation. He compared the contribution of our engineers to the freedom fighters in pre independence struggle.
