7th  Guiness Book of World Record created by DEPwD in Bharuch


7th  Guiness Book of World Record created by DEPwD in Bharuch

KS Diwan/ royalpatiala.in/ Chandigarh

“7th Guinness Book of World Record” has been created by DEPwD yesterday at Bharuch, Gujarat where ‘Modern Artificial Limbs (Legs)’ were implanted on 260 Divyangjans within eight hours. DEPwD has already created Six World Records in other categories. It is a very proud moment for the DEPwD as well as for all Divyangjans of our country” said Union Minister of Social Justice & Empowerment Thaawar Chand Gehlot while inaugurating a  National Conference on “Deendayal Disabled Rehabilitation Scheme (DDRS).

7th  Guiness Book of World Record created by DEPwD in Bharuch

He expressed his happiness that ISLRTC under DEPwD has recently prepared a Directory comprising 6000 words for the hearing impaired Divyangjans and more than 1700 visually impaired children have been treated with Cochlear Implant Surgery and almost all of them are now leading a normal life. DEPwD has also provided ‘Motorized Tricycles’ to the Divyangjans nationwide for their smooth movement and Department of Transport is helping them. He announced that so far, 28 States have provided ‘Universal ID Cards’ to around 13 Lakh Divyangjans and very soon it will be provided to all Divyangjans of the country.

He delivered the key note address on the detailed account of the scheme. The Conference was attended by around  600 delegates from across the country participated in the conference.

7th  Guiness Book of World Record created by DEPwD in Bharuch

The objective of the conference was to sensitize the stakeholders of the scheme i.e. Programme Implementing Agencies (PIAs), District level officers & State Government officers. An ‘Interactive Question & Answer Session’ also held as a part of it, in which queries of the participants were addressed. A few of the organizations who are receiving financial assistance under DDRS shared their views and experience by way of making Presentations.

7th  Guiness Book of World Record created by DEPwD in Bharuch

Under the Deendayal Disabled Rehabilitation Scheme, every year more than 600 NGOs are provided with financial assistance for running their projects for the rehabilitation of persons with disabilities such as Special school, pre-school and early intervention, Half-way Homes and Community Based Rehabilitation etc. The NGOs being funded are providing the rehabilitative services to more than 35000 to 40000 beneficiaries every year. In the implementation process of the scheme, the role of State Government is very crucial. The recommendation from the District Social Welfare Officer and State Government is important in release of grant-in-aid. The budget allocation for the year 2018-19 is Rs. 70.00 crores.

The list of model projects includes:

  1. Pre-Schools, Early Intervention and Training
  2. Special Schools for Children with
    1. Intellectual Disabilities
    2. Hearing and Speech Disabilities and
    3. Visual Disabilities
  3. Project for Cerebral Palsied children
  4. Rehabilitation of Leprosy cured persons
  5. Half Way Home for psycho-Social Rehabilitation of treated and controlled Mentally ill persons
  6. Home Based Rehabilitation
  7. Community Based Rehabilitation Programme (CBR)
  8. Low Vision Centres and
  9. Human Resource Development.