Sub-Standard Liquor being sold in Pb, quantity of alcohol is deficient-Pannu


Sub-Standard Liquor being sold in Pb, quantity of alcohol is deficient-Pannu

KS Diwan/ Chandigarh

 Many brands are selling sub-standard liquor in the State as it has been found that the quantity of alcohol in liquor is deficient by 2% to 12%, revealed KS Pannu, Commissioner Food and Drug Administration, Punjab

Divulging into details, he informed that Directorate of Food and Drug Administration, Punjab conducted a study about the quality of liquor, both country made and Indian-made foreign liquor (IMFL), being sold in the State. The study reveals that many brands are selling sub-standard liquor in the State with alcohol content being not in consonance with the label details. In addition, many of the brands contain particles of suspended matter, which is not allowed in the liquor.

Sub-Standard Liquor being sold in Pb, quantity of alcohol is deficient-Pannu (Photo courtesy-Internet)

 Warning the contractors, manufacturers and Bottlers of country made and IMFL liquor, Commissioner, Food and Drug Administration said that all concerned should ensure the quality of liquor as per the label claims on the bottles and as per the standards fixed under the Food Safety & Standards Act, 2006.

Sub-Standard Liquor being sold in Pb, quantity of alcohol is deficient-Pannu (Photo courtesy-Internet)

He said that the State Food Lab at Kharar is fully equipped to test the quality of all kind of liquor. He asked the bulk consumers of liquor in the social functions to get the quality of liquor tested from State Food Lab, Kharar or Punjab Biotechnology Incubator Lab at Phase-5, Mohali.

He further said that citizens have the right of quality products in food and drinks and as per the provisions of law it is the duty of the Food Safety and Drug Administration to check the quality of all kinds of food including liquor.