Talk on cancer myths held at Alchemist Hospital


Talk on cancer myths held at Alchemist Hospital

KS Diwan/ Panchkula

A health talk on cancer myths was held at Alchemist Hospital, sector-21, Panchkula.

During talk, Dr. Jatin Sarin, chief medical oncologist, Alchemist hospital, Panchkula educated the audience about common signs and symptoms, when a person should get himself thoroughly investigated for this dreaded disease.

He said, cancer is fast becoming one of the most common non-communicable diseases, not only in Indians but among people world over. No country or region is spared of this disease. Different cancers are prevalent in different communities and places. It has been estimated that by the year 2030, it will be the commonest lifestyle disease surpassing cardiac disease and diabetes. The chief motto of organizing such a meet was to, he asserted.

Talk on cancer myths held at Alchemist Hospital

Dr. Sarin insisted that one should not ignore tell-tale signs of cancer, because they could help the doctor to catch the disease in early stage when it can be completely cured.

He also tried to dispel two important misplaced beliefs and myths among general population, first that cancer is incurable and second that cancer treatment is expensive.

Many Cancers are currently being related to faulty lifestyle and environmental hazard, remarked Dr Sarin.

Improper dietary habits, eating fast food, aerated drinks, excess sugars and caffeine, alcohol , smoking, lack of fresh fruits and salads, no  regular exercise are  important factors which make our body vulnerable to cancer, he pointed out.

Meanwhile Dr. Jatin Sarin along with his team including  Dr. Kanwarmeet Singh, consultant-surgical oncologist and Dr. Rupali Aggarwal, consultant-radiation oncologist form a team. They treat their patients according to international standards of cancer therapy, while retaining the humane touch and giving patients psychological and emotional support  as well.