Athletic Meet in Thapar Polytechnic held with great zeal


Athletic Meet in Thapar Polytechnic held with great zeal

Jasbir Kapoor/ Patiala

The 49th Annual Athletic meet of Thapar Polytechnic was held today with great zeal, excitement and frolicsome. The meet took off a vibrant start with hoisting of the flag by the chief Guest Dr. Maneek Kumar (Dean Students affair TIET) guest of honour Lakhbeer Singh(Asstt. Director Sports TIET) and Principal Dr. Ankush Kansal.

Athletic Meet in Thapar Polytechnic held with great zeal

The celebrations began with a lightening of the sports torch march past by all the five streams Civil, Mech, Electrical, Computer Science and Arch. Asstt. and the oath taking ceremony. The students displayed a wide array of colourful and reverberant events.

They mesmerised the audience with their energetic performances. The day witnessed a great spirit of participation, healthy competition and joy of success. The athletes displayed their agility, confidence, strength, stamina and endurance.