ISTE National Research Award for GNDU faculty


ISTE National Research Award for GNDU faculty

KS Diwan/ Amritsar

Dr. Deep Kamal Kaur Randhawa, a senior faculty member in the department of Electronics & Communication Engineering of Guru Nanak Dev University Regional Campus Jalandhar, has been awarded ISTE National Research Award. The Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) is the leading National Professional non-profit making Society for the Technical Education System in our country with the motto of Career Development of Teachers and Personality Development of Students and overall development of our Technical Education System. She has been conferred by ISTE, New Delhi at 48th National Annual Faculty Convention-2019 held at Visvesvarya Technical University, Belagavi, Karnataka recently in recognition for her research work on the study of nonmaterial’s for sensing toxic gases.

ISTE National Research Award for GNDU faculty

Dr.Deep Kamal has been working in the field of Nanoelectronics and Molecular Electronics for more than a decade. She has been working at GNDU Regional Campus Jalandhar since 2004. The department offers B.Tech, M.Tech and doctorate programs. The department boasts of highly qualified faculty, excellent research publications, placements and well-placed alumni.