Shaan Judiyal of BIPS Patiala ranked 1 in AIIMS
Gurjit Singh/ Patiala
Bhupindra International Public School has proved its worth by wonderful result in AIIMS. Shaan Judiyal has made his mark by getting 1st* Rank in SC category. Jashanpal Secured 388th All India Rank, Kshitij Singla bagged 600th All India Rank, Preeti Goyal secured 1419th All India Rank and Anoopinder Kaur bagged 1479th All India Rank.
Indu Sharma, Principal, BIPS congratulated all the achievers and their parents on their glorious achievement and stated that the hallmark of BIPS is hard work, sincerity, dedication and honesty. The students burnt midnight oil, the teachers mentored the students with utmost dedication and the parents gave an unstinting support.

This glorious result is the outcome of all these sincere efforts. Gurmeet Singh Arora, President, BIPS, congratulated the star achievers and their parents on their grand success.