Ayurveda for Longeivity-is a system of medicine with historical roots-Vaidya Manu Vats


Ayurveda for Longeivity-is a system of medicine with historical roots-Vaidya Manu Vats

Vadiya Vandana Vats, Vaidya Manu Vats

श्री धन्वनतरि: नमः।।

AYURVEDA….is a system of medicine with the historical, graceful roots in Indian subcontinent. It’s the 5000 year old science in the Vedic Culture of India. Ayur—life and Veda–Science or knowledge..its a Science of Life.

Lord Dhanwantri, The God of Ayurveda , preached the system of medicine to a group of physicians and the tradition  followed by pupils. It developed significantly in Vedic Period and regarded as Upveda of Atharva-Veda.

” स्वस्थस्य स्वास्थ्यरक्षणम्,

आतुरस्य विकारप्रशमनम् च ।।”

This is the main principal of Ayurveda “To Preserve and Maintain the health of healthy person and to cure the diseased person. Recognizing well that human beings are a part of Nature ;Ayurveda describe the fundamental energies that regulates the outer  environment and human body. Vata(Air +Ether);Pitta(Fire+Water) and Kapha(Earth+Water)…are the basic humor  of life and to keep them in balance various therapies ( PANCHKARMA) and practices have been integrated for general wellness applications.

“समदोष समाग्नि समधातुमल:क्रिया।

प्रसन्नेद्रिय आत्मा स्वस्थ:इतिअभीधीयते।।”

Ayurveda for Longeivity-is a system of medicine with historical roots-Vaidya Manu Vats

The definition of health clearly defines that A complete holistic approach to wellness is the Healthy body along with the Healthy mind. Rittucharya(Do’s& Don’ts w.r.t.Seasonal changes) as per the Aacharyas is a big answer to today’s Life style diseases. Obeying the mentioned Aahar Vihar paricharya ,what to eat and how to live accordingly in six Ritus (seasons) can bolster the immune system and give longevity of healthy life. Life style diseases like obesity diabetes ,hypertension ,heart diseases and menstrual irregularities are in abundance now .

AYURVEDlC Principals are influential in current female problems. Women body is wonderfully complex and delicate as per her multiple roles as the creator of life , mother, daughter and home maker . This all duties necessitate her to be fit physically and mentally. The wonder herbs Ashoka ,Lodhra ,Lajjalu ,Ashwgandha , Yashtimadhu fulfills all her requirements along with a balanced diet. They work miraculous for menstrual problems of puberty to menopause. Rajaswala pericharya( Regarding Menstrual Female) is  helpful in Menorrhagia, oligomenorrhea ,dysmenorrhea ,PCOD , Infertility etc. In pregnancy Garbh Sanskar decorates the motherhood and breast feeding phases of Women life.

Ayurveda’s role in developing and preserving youthfulness and extending longevity by delaying the Ageing process ( Zara or Vriddhavastha) is awesome. According to Aacharyas the three pillars of life are…

“आहार ,  निंद्रा ,  ब्रह्मचर्य ”

Diet ,Sleep and Self Mastery all these in balanced way controls and preserve the energies within the human body and this positive energies nourishes at cellular level for the Healthy long life.Yoga and Panchkarma therapies plays an important role in maintaining the human body in harmony with nature.

CHYAVAN PRASH RASAYAN mentioned in Texts is termed as best rejunivating and aphrodisiac. As reference in CHARAK SAMHITA  Rishi Chyavan ,though grown very old ,restored his youth by using this nutritive Awleh..

Ayurveda ,a science of life is a real  and rare treasure .Every Pearl and drop from this ocean is  Aamrit for mankind..

सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिना , सर्वे सन्तु निरामय।।

The writers are Consultant Ayurvedic & Panchkarma Physicians


VAIDYA MANU VATS (9814830356)

DR S.R.VATS  Memorial Ayurvedic and Panchkarma Clinic,

5,Preet Nagar,Lower Mall, Patiala