MRSPTU Architecture students shine in zonal event at Jaipur


MRSPTU Architecture students shine in zonal event at Jaipur

Gurpreet Kaur/ Bathinda

Giani Zail Singh School of Architecture and Planning (GZSSAP), Maharaja Ranjit Singh Punjab technical University (MRSPTU) won laurels in the North Zonal Architectural Convention NASA-2019 organised at Poornima University, Jaipur recently.

In NASA-2019, Architecture, Urban Design, Interior Design competitions and other competitive events were organised. Around 76 colleges and about 1800 delegates comprising of architecture students from various architecture colleges from all over Zone-1 (North India) participated with great enthusiasm and zeal.

The delegation of 25 students from the GZSSAP, MRSPTU, Bathinda participated in various competitions, workshops and seminars organised during the fest.

Highlights of the event were Design competitions for trophies which were named as Zonal NASA Design Competition (ZNDC) Trophy, Rubens Trophy, Best Thesis, Journalism Trophy,  Architectural Fashion Trophy and D15 Trophy.

MRSPTU Architecture students shine in zonal event at Jaipur

In individual events, Diganggana Bhardwaj and Charlina won the first position in two different competitions ‘Infographics’ and ‘Fuzz Art’. While Simerpreet Kaur, Mohit and Navi Bansal won the second position in ‘Paradigm- Model Making’ competition.

The winning students were felicitated with winning certificates and medals. GZSSAP got special mention award in the ZNDC Trophy which was designed by Gurnoor Singh, Navi Bansal, Manthan, Pranav and Abhishek.

The challenge was to design an urban plaza/ City-Centre which reflects Culture and Architectural beauty of the chosen site.

Architectural Fashion Trophy was shortlisted in top 6, among the zone 1, under the supervision of Ar. Jasleen Kaur (faculty). It was the spectacular display of innovative costumes designed by students Diganggana Bhardwaj, Simran Grover, Lavisha Bansal, Navjot, Priya and Vandni.

Prof. Ripu Daman Singh, Head of GZSSAP, congratulated the team of students led by Mr. Ashutosh, Unit Secretary and Ms. Simerpreet Kaur, Unit Designee and guided by Department faculty members Ar. Kapil Arora and Ar. Jasleen Kaur, who accompanied the Bathinda delegation for the convention.

Prof. (Dr.) Savina Bansal Campus Director, GZSCCET MRSPTU and  Dean, Academics and Prof. (Dr.) Paramjeet Singh, Dean Student Welfare congratulated the winners and motivated them to work with the same zeal and enthusiasm.

MRSPTU, Vice-chancellor Prof. (Dr.) Mohan Paul Singh Ishar and Registrar, Prof. (Dr.) Ashish Baldi, congratulated the students and the faculty of the department who have been putting the extra effort to make sure that the students of Architecture department keep performing at the zonal and national level.