Mandigobindgarh rolling mill and furnace owners to shift their industry on PNG before 31 march-DC


Mandigobindgarh rolling mill and furnace owners to shift their industry on PNG before 31 march-DC

Kanwar Inder Singh/ Mandigobindgarh

Increasing pollution is the major concern of the day for which, if extensive efforts not taken up, then the coming generations will not forgive us. This was stated by Deputy Commissioner Amrit Kaur Gill while presiding over a meeting of district level environment committee at District Administrative Complex. During this she directed the SDMs to prepare action plan at division level for environment protection, so that the same could be implemented in true spirit.

Mandigobindgarh rolling mill and furnace owners to shift their industry on PNG before 31 march-DC

Gill said that there are a lot of rolling mills and furnaces in Mandi Gobindgarh, which uses coal & furnace oil as fuel, which results in to air pollution. As such, in view of the directions of National Green Tribunal for controlling Air pollution, no rolling mill/ furnace shall be allowed to use coal, oil as fuel after 31 march and use of PNG will be compulsory for all industry owners. To facilitate industrialists, Govt. of Punjab reduced VAT on PNG from 13.4 percent to 03 percent. She directed the officials to generate awareness among transporters for use of CNG for vehicles. During this SDM Amloh Anand Sagar Sharma said that RIMT is running 60 buses on CNG and remaining vehicles will also be soon shifted on CNG.

Deputy Commissioner said that to shift the industries on PNG, mother stations of CNG has been established in Mandi Gobindgarh, on the other hand the work for laying of PNG pipeline has also been completed. She also directed the EOs to prepare a plan for plantation of traditional plants on barren lands, so that requisite tree sapling could be demanded from Forest department. She also directed the officers to generate awareness about cleanliness in the city. During this Deputy Commissioner directed the food and civil supply officials to conduct surprise checking of fuel quality at filling stations on National Highways. She also directed the police officials to chllan the vehicle causing pollution.

During the meeting, Additional Deputy Commissioner Jaspreet Singh, Additional Deputy Commissioner (D) Amrik Singh Sidhu, DSP Amloh Sukhvinder Singh, Environment Engineer Punjab Pollution Control Board Vijay Kumar, Enforcement Officer Mandi Gobindgarh Charanjit Singh, SDO Pollution control board Rubal Kumar and SDO Charanjit Rai Range officer Fatehgarh Sahib Amandeep Singh, SDO PWD Gaurav Singla, Field Manager District Industrial centre Vishal Devgan, Rajan Garg Vice president Small scale rolling mill association and other officials were present.
