Forensic Expert Vikram Chauhan to present research paper


Forensic Expert Vikram Chauhan to present research paper

Dr Vikram Raj Singh Chauhan, a State Awardee and  Chief Forensic Scientist of Patiala Bureau of Identification, Patiala and President of All India Forensic Science Association is going to present his research paper titled as “A Study to Identify Natural Termors in Signatures of Genuine Persons and their Comparison with the Termors made by forger while doing forgery and its significance”  at the 24th All India Forensic Science Conference Jointly Organised by Directorate of Forensic Science Services, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, New Delhi, Gujarat University & Raksha Shakti University, Ahmadabad, Gujarat from 10th to 12th February, 2018.

Forensic Expert Vikram Chauhan to present research paper

The brief of his research is that the Natural Termor in the signatures of genuine person is an involuntary deviation in the desired path of a stroke while signing. These Natural Termor may occur in the handwriting of genuine person when the writer is novice and unfamiliar with the script or semi literate, having weak muscular coordination, due to illness or old age, having weak nervous system and sometimes the person is under intoxication or exerted. The Forged Termor/ hesitations may occur while forging the signatures of other persons. These are intentionally introduced while copying the signatures of old aged persons having Natural Termors, installed at wrong places and sometimes by using unaccustomed hand by the forger. In the present study an effort has been made to compare the Natural Termors with the Forged Termors from a sample of 200 Subjects. The subjects were in the age group of 55 to 82 years of both sex and are semi literate, graduates, post graduates having termors in their writing. All he subjects were told to give ten specimen signatures and then told to copy the signatures of other persons. The result revealed that the Natural Termors are difficult to imitate and there are significant differences in the Natural Termors and Forged Termors after comparing the natural variations in the signatures of genuine persons.