PSPCL collected 23 lacs power theft penalty; releases whataspp number for theft cases-CMD


PSPCL collected 23 lacs power theft penalty; releases whataspp number for theft cases-CMD

Kanwar Inder Singh/ Chandigarh

CMD PSPCL  A.Venu Prasad said that strict instructions have been issued to distribution and enforcement officers to check the theft of electricity in the state and said that corruption in any shape and form will not be tolerated .

A.Venu Prasad disclosed that PSPCL has imposed a penalty of  Rs. 16,84,984/- for theft of electricity (Excluding Compounding Fee of Rs. 49,238/-) and also charged  Rs. 1,79,638/- for excess load to a Printing Press running under  sub-division distribution commercial-2, Bathinda.

CMD  said that  the consumer was indulging in power theft. An F.I.R under Electricity Act 2003 has been registered by Anti Power Theft Police Station, Bathinda against the defaulter consumer.

He also  said that the Enforcement Squad, Bathinda raided the premise of  the   Printing Press  on the basis of  a secret information. CMD  said that the consumer was found running the Printing Press from a domestic connection instead of required NRS connection. During the checking it was found  that the connected load of the consumer was 64.415 KW against sanctioned load of 9.846 KW only.

PSPCL collected 23 lacs penalty; releases whataspp number for theft cases-CMD-Photo courtesy-Internet

An amount of Rs. 54,569/- has already been  deposited by the consumer.

CMD further added that  mass raids were  conducted by 4 Nos. Enforcement Squads of Bathinda Circle in Mamdot area of Ferozepur District on 25.07.2020. in which  9 Nos. theft cases and 3 Nos. other violations were detected during the checking.  A Sum of Rs. 6.30 lacs penalty has been imposed to the defaulters.

CMD appealed to all its consumers to help Corporation in controlling the menace of theft of electricity by providing information about  theft of power for campaign against theft of electricity in the state. Any person  can inform about theft of electricity on Whatsapp no 96461-75770. PSPCL assures its consumers that their identity will not be disclosed.
