NITTTRs organize panel discussion on National Education Policy-2020


 NITTTRs organize panel discussion on National Education Policy-2020

Kanwar Inder Singh/ Chandigarh

The four National Institutes of Technical Teachers Training and Research (NITTTRs), Bhopal, Chandigarh, Chennai, Kolkata alongwith Information and Library Network (INFLIBNET) organized Panel discussions on Making Mentoring Relevant: NEP 2020 perspective.

Four panel discussions on mentoring were conducted with 24 Vice Chancellors across the country as panelists and chaired by renowned personalities like Prof. S.G. Dhande (former Director IIT Kanpur), S C Ralhan (Chairman NIT Jalandhar), Prof. S Vaidhyasubramaniam (Vice. Chancellor  Sastra Deemed University, Tamilnadu), Prof. B.Patwardhan (Vice Chairman UGC) and was attended by a large number of participants.
The first panel discussion was on Road map for inclusive teachers mentoring coordinated by Prof. S.S.Pattnaik (Director NITTTR Chandigarh). Second panel discussion was on Science of mentoring relationships coordinated by Prof. S.N Panda (Director NITTTR Chennai). The third panel discussion was on setting standards for teaching educators coordinated by Prof. C Thangaraj (Director NITTTR Kolkata). Fourth panel discussion was on challenging challenges in teachers mentoring coordinated by Prof. D P Mishar (Director NITTTR Kolkata).
It was deliberated that before NEP 2020 Indian education system was like silos with very rigid boundaries, which hinders our professional growth. Another limitation of present education system was highlighted in form of affiliation system in our traditional universities.

The experts pointed out that we have to be very careful for higher educational institutes (HEI) faculty quality, remuneration aspects and mentoring of teacher is really a difficult job.
The discussion was on how to get good people in academia and light was thrown on attitude of individual to become good teacher.This panel discussion also pointed out on need for mentoring Institute and individual with special focus on inclusive teacher mentoring.
Prof. Dhande discussed the need for direct mentoring and NITTTRs role to guide teacher, create academic training programmes for teachers. Since for teachers skill and knowledge both are important and many teacher lack in skills which may be provided to them through some training. Further by citing current Covid-19 situation, he emphasized on knowledge of psychology, latest technology to handle students through online mode.
It was suggested that some of the key points that need to be included for better implementation of NEP 2020 may include:
1. NITTTR bigger role for education and creating National level experts
2. Establishing National Education Services (NES) for students and  teachers
3. Mentoring the institutions does not mean copying . It is like learning from you and me. It is not one way street.
It was pointed out that we need to create vibrant atmosphere. It is not going to be created by regulatory body like UGC/AICTE.  The NITTTRs with new model for all colleges can support in a big way for mentoring all teachers. We need to bring private, public, affiliated, non affiliated institutes together for inclusive growth.
