Go for Sampuran Swachh Ward and get reward – Mayor, Patiala


Go for Sampuran Swachh Ward and get reward – Mayor, Patiala

Kanwar Inder Singh/ royalpatiala.in

To make the royal city clean amongst Punjab and in India, Patiala Municipal Corporation is working on a proposal to motivate its citizens, municipal councilors to make their ward as “Sampuran Swachh ward” and get special grant for its development. Patiala has 60 municipal wards.

As per sources “the municipal corporation is planning to beautify and making clean Patiala. For this purpose, the mayor and his team is working on a project to engage the local residents, municipal councilors, corporation staff to make this happen.

As per the proposal, any municipal councilor, who successfully completes the laid parameters by the municipal corporation, will get Rs 10 lakh special grant/ fund for his ward’s further development. That special grant/ fund can be used for maintaining parks, basic amenities, roads or any other developmental work.

As per sources “the corporation has almost finalised the conditions on which the ward will get Sampuran Swachh ward. The ward has to fulfill the conditions, laid by us. Then a committee, consisting of joint commissioner, ward’s municipal councilor, chief sanitary inspector, a senior citizen and a resident of the ward will inspect it and give their report to us. After their satisfaction, the ward will get Sampuran Swachh ward tag and a special grant of Rs 10 lakhs for its further development. Moreover, it’s not limited for any few wards. This is applicable for all the sixty wards of the royal city. ”

Go for Sampuran Swachh Ward and get reward – Mayor, Patiala-Photo courtesy-Internet

When asked about the parameters on which the committee will check, he said “ the committee will see the cleanliness in the ward, 100 percent  waste disposal, 80 percent residents doing waste segregation, cleanliness of MC dustbins,  commercial clients not disposing off their waste in open, all dairies or eating joints not disposing off their waste in the sewer line, no usage of plastic, cleanliness of   underground MC dustbins , night sweeping, maintaining ODF status, maintaining green area of the ward. “

When asked that the MC is already doing this in the city, he said “Yes, we are doing it good. But now are going for best and we want Patiala to become a benchmark for other cities, in cleanliness. With collective efforts and teamwork, we will be able to do this.”

When asked whether MC is luring the residents with Rs 10 lakh grant,  He said “no, we are motivating the residents to ask their area councilor, corporation staff to help them in cleaning their ward and making it the  best. Patiala has already got ODF status, we are building road, laying sewer lines, lifting garbage, segregating waste disposal etc. We had done so much development in the last three years, which was overdue for 10 years during the SAD-BJP regime. Moreover Rs 10 lakh special grant is for their area’s development only.”

When contacted the mayor Patiala Sanjiv Sharma Bittu ,  said” yes we are working on this. In the last three years, Patiala has seen many development works, executed by us. Recently, Patiala got ODF++ status. Now we are stepping on the next step of the development ladder.”

February 12,2021