Covid vaccination- such irresponsible statement cannot be expected from the Health minister-PSMDTA


Covid vaccination- such irresponsible statement cannot be expected from the Health minister-PSMDTA

Kanwar Inder Singh/

Punjab State Medical & Dental Teachers Association has condemned the Health and Family Welfare Minister Punjab Balbir Singh Sidhu for his dictatorial approach towards health workers compelling them for covid vaccination or face the music as withdrawal of quarantine leave and bear the cost of treatment if get infected.

In a joint press release, Dr Vijay Bodal acting state president, Dr DS Bhullar state General Secretary and Dr Darshanjit Singh Walia General Secretary of Patiala unit of the Association said the minister cannot compel the health care professionals for forced vaccination and also cannot deny the benefit of quarantine leave and free treatment to them as conditional benefits.

If the government wants to deny such benefit, the decision should be for employees of all government departments and not for health workers only.

Covid vaccination- such irresponsible statement cannot be expected from the Health minister-PSMDTA-Photo courtesy-Internet

Such irresponsible statement cannot be expected from the Health minister of the state showing arrogance which has sent a wrong signal to the public that the vaccine is being tried on the health workers forcibly.

If the health workers have been working safely taking all precautions during the peak pandemic time, the minister need not worry about their safety now as they have come out much wiser after facing the tough pandemic situation.

In the meantime the Association (PSMDTA) has appealed to the health professionals to shun hesitation if any and come forward and get vaccinated as minor adverse events can be expected following any vaccination or medicine and they should lead the vaccination campaign as role models inspite of public hesitations.

Covid vaccination- such irresponsible statement cannot be expected from the Health minister-PSMDTA.  Vaccination should be on voluntary basis and nobody can be compelled or forced which is against human rights and medical ethics, said associated leaders.

February 22,2021