Vaccination – The Role Reversal-Dr Harinder Singh Bedi


Vaccination – The Role ReversalDr Harinder Singh Bedi

Dr Harinder Singh Bedi

“No way – not in a thousand years! “– was how my dear nonagenarian mother would react on being asked to get her Covid vaccination. She claimed some half baked reasons which she had picked up from social media, friends and family (also known as ‘the experts’) citing a weird fear that the vaccine would convert her DNA !!. She forebade me from taking it also using emotional blackmail – which all mothers are experts at !.

Nobody enjoys having a blood test or an injection, but for some people, the thought of a needle puncturing their skin can send shivers down the spine. About  10% of the population suffer from trypanophobia – an extreme primal fear of injections . A needle phobia does not have to have had a traumatic needle association, although they often do. When we are highly stressed, we go into survival mode and that means we revert to trying to keep ourselves safe by staying away from the perceived danger – in this case, needles.  We have a little filing cabinet in our brain – the hippocampus – and we refer to that for all our behaviour patterns.

Suspicion of and myths surrounding vaccines in general are also causing  social media driven mistrust about a COVID-19 jab . A new report from  King’s College London and Ipsos MORI research shows 1 in 3 have been exposed to anti-vax messages, 1 in 7 believe the COVID-19 vaccine’s real purpose is to track and control the population and that  Bill Gates is implanting  us all with microchips, and quite a few think that it can cause autism.

Vaccination – The Role Reversal-Dr Harinder Singh Bedi

My wife and I are both doctors and knew that all of us definitely needed the vaccine. So slowly with whatever medical evidence was available we convinced mother to let us get the vaccine also explaining that it is not only to protect a single person but also to bring in herd immunity faster which can help weaken the virus and end the pandemic.

She finally agreed. Her next apprehension was – yes – you guessed it right – what to wear?   She has no sleeveless dresses and at present her personal tailor is not well. So she hit upon the bright idea of removing the stitches from the inner side of the left arm of her best dress – the sleeve can then be easily lifted above the shoulder. She plans to stitch it back only after the second booster dose after a month. So she went with her daughter in law and got her vaccination. “Oh – I didn’t even feel it” – she nonchalantly stated.

Now she is busy exhorting all friends and relatives to take it. She has even otherwise been active in the Covid period in making free masks for all who need it . Her tailoring tip regarding the sleeve has caught on widely. She is an excellent brand ambassador for the vaccine programme  . Woe betide the hapless relative who starts giving any excuses. Quite a role reversal !

NOTE:-About Dr Harinder Singh Bedi

:-Vaccination – The Role Reversal-Dr Harinder Singh Bedi

The writer is one of the senior most heart sugeons of India and has a special expertise in bypass surgery. In fact he is credited with one of the world’s first series of multivessel beating heart surgery with post op check angios .

March 15,2021