Modern School Alumni upgraded Computer Lab in Alma mater
Patiala-Modern Senior Secondary School, Patiala, inaugurated their upgraded computer laboratory today. Every year the school has been taking path breaking initiatives to better the infrastructure & facilities. In continuum to that the school has upgraded their old computer lab and converted it into a state-of-the art Computer Lab.
The school believes that a vision through technology paves a way to a brighter tomorrow and the limitless potential of each student should be explored and developed with the changing times. The eventful day started with an investiture ceremony of the junior wing where the junior prefects had their oath ceremony and ended with the inauguration of the lab.
The school computer lab has been upgraded with 21 new desktop computers of latest configuration, 9 LEDs (extra) and 40 UPS donated by school’s alumni and refurbished 10 desktop computers along with 15 laptops donated by Tata Communications Pvt. Ltd. Pune. The chairman of the school, Jujhar Singh said that ‘Computer training is one of the basic aspects of today’s generation and it is the need of the hour to make the young generation techno-savvy. Their innovative thinking and dealing with technology is what makes them ready to take up any kind of challenges that they may face’.

On this occasion Sanjeev Garg, State Information Commissioner, KK Sharma Chairman PRTC, Dr Gurbinder Singh Registrar Thapar Institute, Industrialist Rakesh Kad, HPS Lamba, Women entrepreneur Mukta Girdhar, Principal Laksmi Bai Dental College Dr Ashutosh Nirola, SE Punjab Local Bodies Er Atul Sharma, Executive Engineer PWD Punjab Er Ravi Chawla, VP Hira Group Himanshu Sharma, Philanthropist Dr Naveen Saronwala, Retd Banker BS Pari along with other alumni members were also present.