Luxmi Bai Dental College organize Camp at Modern School
Patiala-Modern Senior Secondary School collaborated with Dr. Ashutosh Narula, Principal of Luxmi Bai Dental College to organize an oral dental checkup camp on the 1st August, 2018 in their school campus.
Maintaining oral hygiene is as important as keeping a good personal hygiene, with an aim to establish and promote the importance of good oral care habits, the team of dentists along with para-medical staff carried out a comprehensive dental check-up on students from Std. III onwards.
The team of young doctors set up camps at two different places in the school campus. The camp started with educating students about common dental ailments, especially stressing on tooth decay and gum diseases and measures to prevent them. The students were briefed about the eating patterns and food choices which cause tooth decay.

The doctors vividly examined each child and explained them about the harmful effects of added sugar in candies and soft drinks. The children were given a note on their oral health along with toothpaste to encourage them to brush more often. The school staff and children thanked the dentists and their team for rendering their selfless service to the school.