Promptly resolve grievances, problems faced by the inmates-Member Secretary, PSLSA to superintendent Nabha Jail


Promptly resolve grievances, problems faced by the inmates-Member Secretary, PSLSA to superintendent Nabha Jail

Kanwar Inder Singh/ News/ July 18,2024

Manjinder Singh, Member Secretary of the Punjab State Legal Services Authority, accompanied by Manni Arora, Chief Judicial Magistrate-cum-Secretary of the District Legal Services Authority, Patiala, conducted the inspection of the New District Jail, Nabha.

During the thorough inspection, Manjinder Singh personally visited the barracks of the facility. In an effort to address the concerns of the inmates, the Judge engaged in meaningful conversations with them.

Directives were issued to the Jail Superintendent, as well as other officers and staff, emphasizing the importance of promptly resolving the grievances and problems faced by the inmates.

Special emphasis was placed on ensuring adequate health and medical facilities for the inmates.

Apart from this, security measures within the jail premises were carefully reviewed by the Judges as well.

Additionally, Judges visited the Embroidery Training Centre, Beautician Training Course Centre and Bakery Training Course Centre which are being run for jail inmates in New District Jail, Nabha.

On this occasion, a medical camp was organized by District Legal Services Authority, Patiala for jail inmates of New District Jail, Nabha which was inaugurated by Manjinder Singh, Member Secretary, Punjab State Legal Services Authority, SAS Nagar accompanied by Manni Arora, Chief Judicial Magistrate-cum-Secretary of the District Legal Services Authority, Patiala.

Total 140 jail inmates were medically examined by the specialist doctors in this camp.

Member Secretary, Punjab State Legal Services Authority, SAS Nagar Inspected New District Jail, Nabha

In addition, District Legal Services Authority, Patiala, has already launched a tree plantation campaign. As a part of this initiative, saplings were also planted by the Judges at the New District Jail in Nabha.

Manjinder Singh, Member Secretary said that for making our environment greener and pollution free, all of us should plant more trees. He said that by planting more and more trees, it would help in reducing pollution levels and would also make our environment greener. He said that along with planting more tree saplings, we should also take proper care of the saplings, so that they grow into fully grown trees.