ACS Power,CMD PSPCL released PSPCL Diary


ACS Power,CMD PSPCL released PSPCL Diary

Satish Chandra IAS Addl.Chief Secretary Power, Punjab .and A.Venu Prasad IAS Principal Secy. Local Bodies  Govt.of Punjab  cum Chairman cum Managing Director PSPCL &PSTCL released the PSPCL Diary for the Year 2018 at Mohali .

ACS Power,CMD PSPCL released PSPCL Diary

Directors of PSPC including .R.P.Pandove Director Administration, S.C.Arora Director Finance ,O.P.P Garg Director Commercial ,N.K.Sharma Director Distribution and T.R.Sarangal Director PSPCL were also present during the release of PSPCL diary