Act against erring constable under SC Act- Commission to SSP Bathinda
KI Singh/ Chandigarh
The Punjab State Scheduled Casts Commission has instructed the SSP Bathinda to initiate action against erring constable as per SC Act. The matter is pertaining to the alleged manhandling of a person by the constable and hurling casteist slur against the victim belonging to SC community.
Disclosing this official spokesperson of the Punjab State SC Commission said that Tejinder Kaur, Chairperson of the commission has asked the SSP Bathinda to act against the constable under SC Act. He said that a person Harbhajan Singh S/o of Karam Singh resident of village Kot Shamir in Bhatinda district in a complaint filed before the SC Commission alleged that Constable Gurbinder Singh has physically manhandled him and hurled casteist remarks upon him in full public view when he went to the police station in a mediation case. The erring constable tossed the turban of the victim and kicked it.
He said that after the complaint the constable was put under suspension and departmental action was initiated against him but action under SC Act was not enforced. He said that considering the seriousness of the crime now the Chairperson of the commission has asked the SSP Bathinda to start action under the erring constable under SC Act. The commission has also sought comprehensive report from SSP in this regard on December 4, 2019.