AIPEF demand withdrawal of privatisation agenda, seek power engineers as utility heads


AIPEF demand withdrawal of privatisation agenda, seek power engineers as utility heads

Kanwar Inder Singh/ News/ August 18,2024

All India Power Engineers Federation (AIPEF) demands withdrawal of the privatisation agenda of Government of India  and seeks that expert  power engineers should head the power utilities in the country.

The federal council meeting was held at Nagpur  and 18 state constituents from across the country participated in it including Punjab, Haryana,  Jammu and  Kashmir, Uttrakhand ,Uttar Pradesh,West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh,    Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa,  Assam, Gujarat , Tamilnadu , Delhi, Jharkhand ,and Kerala .

Shailendra Dubey Chairman    , Ratnakar  Rao Secretary General , Ashok Rao,  Suneel Grover from Himachal, Srinath  Reddy from Telangana , Jasbir Dhiman President PSEBEA, Yash Pal Sharma Secretary (Hq), Sachin Tikoo from J & K ,  Santosh Khumkar General secretary SEA were amongst  more  than 70 delegates  from all over India.

Shailendra  Dubey  who presided over the meeting said that to make the energy sector strong and self-reliant, expert power engineers should be posted in top management positions in all power corporations of the country. In a  resolution at its meeting in Nagpur on Saturday, demanding the centre not bring in the Electricity (Amendment) Bill yet again and withdraw the proposal for privatisation and appointment of urban distribution franchisees, considering the larger interest of the energy sector and consumers. The losses  of  the power sector are  due to the wrong  policy decisions of the government and not by the power sector employees & engineers.

AIPEF demand withdrawal of privatisation agenda, seek power engineers as utility heads 

Rathnakar Rao, General Secretary  stated that in the last few years, the Central government tried to amend the Electricity Act, 2003, through the Electricity (Amendment) Bill. The main objective of the Electricity (Amendment) Bill was to give licences to private houses in the field of electricity distribution and allow them to use the networks of public sector electricity distribution companies.

AIPEF demand withdrawal of privatisation agenda, seek power engineers as utility heads . V K Gupta spokesperson  informed that earlier power engineers  celebrated completion of  51 glorious years of All India Power Engineers Federation. The event was organized by the Subordinate Engineers’ Association  of Maharashtra.