Alchemist Hospital launches kidney transplant unit


Alchemist Hospital launches kidney transplant unit

Chandigarh-Alchemist Hospital, Panchkula announced launching of kidney transplant unit by performing three successful Kidney transplants.

Addressing a press conference at Chandigarh Press Club , Dr Neeraj Goyal, Chief Kidney Transplant Surgeon and Consultant Urologist, Dr Rajiv Goyal, Consultant Urologist, Dr Charanjit Lal and Dr Ramesh Kumar, both Consultants Nephrologist said that Alchemist Hospital is now certified as the recognized centre for performing kidney transplants.

“This is for the first time that such an advanced and complicated surgery has been performed in this region. This unit is first and the only transplant facility in this region of Haryana, which will cater to the needs of patients hailing from Haryana, Himachal, Punjab, Jammu & Kashmir and adjoining areas of UP and Uttrakhand”.

Dr Neeraj Goyal further explained that all the three transplants were living related which means the patients received kidney from their near relatives. Sanjiv Bansal of Kotkapura, Punjab was suffering from kidney failure due to long standing diabetes and hypertension. He was admitted to the Intensive care unit of Alchemist Hospital in a very serious condition in the month of January and had to be kept on ventilator for few days.His wife Vanita Bansal donated one of her kidney to save his life, explained Dr Charanjit Lal, Consultant Nephrologist. He recovered well in few days only and has started his normal life after transplant surgery.

Alchemist Hospital launches kidney transplant unit


Thirty-two year old Dinesh Kumar from Karnal, was another patient who had both his kidneys failed and was in poor health due to regular requirement of dialysis. His 28 year old brother Sushil Kumar donated his kidney to save his life. He recovered rapidly after kidney transplant and joined back to his normal job after one month of surgery.

Dr Ramesh Kumar, Consultant Nephrologist Alchemist Hospital told, that transplant operation was very risky and demanding in the case of Dinesh Kumar due to his weak heart. However, with the expert team of anaesthetists, surgery was performed successfully with excellent results leading to normalization of kidney function within first two days only.

The third patient, 53 year old man hailing from Yamunanagar, received donor kidney from his wife. He was on dialysis for last six months leading to extreme weakness and poor general condition, restricting him to wheel chair. He recovered fast after kidney transplant leading to normalization of life style within few days only. He is ambulatory and self-sufficient now, taking care of his farms.

Dr Neeraj Goyal further explained that in all the cases, the donor surgery was performed using advanced laparoscopic surgery that has got many advantages over conventional open donor surgery.

Laparoscopic surgery is associated with minimal pain and rapid recovery resulting in early discharge from the hospital, which is very crucial for donors. All the donors were discharged within 3-4 days of surgery explained Dr Rajiv Goyal, Consultant Urologist.