All is not well in PSPCL; power engineers “up in arms” against its management


All is not well in PSPCL; power engineers “up in arms” against its management

Kanwar Inder Singh/

Punjab state power corporation limited engineers posted at its two thermal power plants- Guru Gobind Singh Super Thermal Plant (GGSSTP) Ropar and Guru Hargobind Thermal Plant (GHTP), Lehra Mohabbat has started “Work to rules protest” from today, after its management fails to address their genuine demands.

“The PSEB Engineers Association has already served a “Notice of Agitation from June 1,2021” on May 24,2021, to its management, after the Powercom management fails to address their demands” said the spokesperson of the association.

He further added that “the engineers association has lodged its resentment with the management. They highlighted that “while power engineers are working hard, with their hand tied due to shortage of staff, shortage of materials, current pandemic & other problems, management is giving step motherly treatment to power engineers and in some cases, is provoking the engineers.”

The Powercom management and engineers association held a meeting on 12-11-2020 and the management assured them that they will look into their demands.

But, as per engineers association, “the response of the management is that even the issue of withdrawal of Generation Incentive, the only issue involving minor financial implications, has not been resolved, till date.”

As per available information, power engineers were demanding Wage Formulation Committee to recommend pay scales to its employees, to which the management failed to constitute a committee till date. They had already submitted a list of its demand to the management.

The power engineers has already submitted a list of suggestions to the CMD, PSPCL on April 15,2021, to improve the efficiency of the corporation.

All is not well in PSPCL; power engineers “up in arms” against its management-File photo-Courtesy-Internet

All is not well in PSPCL; power engineers “up in arms” against its management. As per the “Work to rules protest”

  1. Work to rules protest is to be observed by all engineers with effect from 01-06- 2021 onwards as decided by PSEB Engineers’ Association.
  1. No Engineer will work beyond his normal duty hours (including cases where breakdowns are being attended, Checking of Theft etc.).
  1. Engineers are not to perform the duties of subordinate staff.
  1. Engineers will perform their duty as per their present place of posting only (even during strike by subordinate employees) and will not look after the work of other engineers / subordinates.
  1. Engineers will not handle or operate any equipment for which they are not trained.
  1. No instructions even on phone are to be issued /followed beyond duty hours.
  1. Instructions which are required to be issued in writing are not to be issued /followed verbally.
  1. Incorrect instructions, even if conveyed in writing are not to be implemented.
  1. Engineers will not impart any instructions to their subordinate officers or staff members which are not as per standing instructions or rules of companies.
  1. No engineer will take PTW.
  1. Shift engineers are not to deliver message to the maintenance staff / engineers by themselves and should deliver message through telephone operator except in case of point no.12.
  1. Only in case of emergency like accident to human being, risk of seizure of Turbine, stoppage of APH, motoring of Generator, spillage of HFO/LDO/MOT/Transformer oil & incident of fire, the concerned agencies are exempted from Work to rule.
  1. In case management tries to force engineers to work beyond normal/prescribed duty, such instructions are to be resisted at every level.
  1. Successful implementation of work to rule depends upon co-operation, trust & mutual understanding amongst engineers at different level of hierarchy. Senior engineers are requested not to press the engineers to carry out the work which is against the rules/regulations of the companies & which do not form part of the normal duty of engineers.

Note:- In view of Covid-19 pandemic, if the power supply of the Northern Grid fails, engineers will be exempted from Work-to-Rule until the grid supply is restored.

June 1,2021