Annual Convocation at Govt. Bikram College of Commerce, Marks Achievement of 284 students


Annual Convocation at Govt. Bikram College of Commerce, Marks Achievement of 284 students

Kanwar Inder Singh/ News/ April 1,2024

On April 01,2024, Government Bikram College of Commerce Patiala organized its convocation for the session 2022-23under the guidance of College Principal Prof. (Dr.) Kusum Lata. The esteemed Deputy Commissioner of Patiala, Showkat Ahmad Parray , IAS graced the event as the Chief Guest. The event commenced with the arrival of the Academic procession in the hall, where the program started with Playing the College Dhuni followed by lighting of the lamp. Dr. Vaneeta Rani welcomed the Chief Guest and the otherdignitaries present on the occasion. The College Principal presented the college report highlighting the activities and achievements of the college students throughout the year.

284 students received degrees from the chief guest who wished them all the best for their life aheadand emphasized skills, ability and a positive outlook in life. He mentioned about what important milestone convocation is in one’s life and urged the graduates to be grateful to everyone who helped them and guided them throughout the college years. He shared his own experiences of the time when he had finished his graduation and advised students to make themselves capable of facing the world.

Annual Convocation at Govt. Bikram College of Commerce, Marks Achievement of 284 students. The program concluded with a Vote of Thanks by Prof. Ram Kumar, Coordinator of the event followed by National Anthem.

Annual Convocation at Govt. Bikram College of Commerce, Marks Achievement of 284 students

The others present on the occasion were Dr. Parminder Singh (Retd. Deputy Director),Dr. Gurdeep Batra from Jagat Guru Nanak Dev Open University, Dr. Neelamjeet Kaur (Retd. Principal), Arun Bansal (Renowned Industrialist). Alumni (Global) Association Members C.A Rajeev Goyal, Tarsem Bansal, Adv. Umesh Ghai. PTA Members Adv. Shushil Kumar Sharma, Bhupinder Kaur, Radhika Seth, HEIS Governing Body Members, BP Dhiman, Prof. Indu Sharma along with the teaching and non-teaching staff of the college.