Avoid singing songs that promote vulgarity; warns singers against instigative songs-Bindra


Avoid singing songs that promote vulgarity; warns singers against instigative songs-Bindra

KI Singh/ royalpatiala.in/ Chandigarh

Expressing concern over the vulgar and instigative content in Punjabi songs, Punjab Youth Development Board Chairperson Sukhwinder Singh Bindra said that youth board would endeavor to curb this pollution in our rich culture, which is engraved with heritage and glorious history of the Gurus and Saints. From past few years, the Punjabi youths have been misled glorifying drugs, weapons and vulgar language in the songs with the intention to root-out them from their heritage, which is proving to be harmful to the state of Punjab and Punjabiyat, he added, saying that “as Chairman of youth development board, I appeal to the Punjabi singers to avoid singing such songs that promote vulgarity and glorifying drugs and weapons.

While strongly opposing newly enacted Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), Bindra said that youth of the state of Punjab will stand firmly against draconian law as the unethical tricks like Pakistan cannot be implemented in India, the largest democracy in the world, because unity in diversity is power of our country.

Speaking about ongoing protests across the country during the press conference held at Forest Complex, Sector-68, Bindra said, people of different faiths, castes and tribes are living in India, of whom many people are living sans documents required under the newly enacted law, how anybody can say them that you are not citizen of the country? “Several state governments including Punjab have opposed this law”, said the Chairman, adding that youth board would mobilize peaceful protests against this law with the help students of universities and colleges by making them aware about the actual intention of the union government to amend the law.

Avoid singing songs that promote vulgarity; warns singers against instigative songs-Bindra

Describing employment generation program a big success, the Chairman informed that under ambitious Ghar-Ghar Rozgar Scheme of the Punjab Government, about 11 lakh youths have been employed so far by providing them jobs in private and government sector besides giving them various incentives for self-employment. He said that with the strenuous efforts of the state Government led by Captain Amarinder Singh, more than Rs.55,000 crores have been invested in Punjab, which will create more employment opportunities for the youth.

Lauding anti-drug drive, Bindra said currently about 200 O.O.A.T. centers operating in state, wherein 1,07,331 persons are being treated for de-addiction. Apart from this, STF has completely cut off supply line of drugs into state. For women, the Punjab Police has started helpline to pick and drop them safely in the need of hour at night. He categorically said that youth board is ensuring to solve all problems pertaining to youths and working diligently to help them in every possible way.