Bahadurgarh Green Golf Club winter golf tournament for men & women; open to all


Bahadurgarh Green Golf Club winter golf tournament for men & women; open to all

KI Singh/ Patiala

Bahadurgarh Green Golf Club, at Bahadurgarh, near Punjabi University is going to organize a golf tournament on January 5, 2020 from 10; 30 am to 1: 00 pm.  This tournament is for both men and women category and is open to all.

As per the organizers the entry fee is Rs 500/- for non members and Rs 400/- for members for all four competitions- Long Drive, Close to the Pin, Close to the centre line and Putting. They further informed that minimum of 3 entries per categories are required to have a prize winner in that category. The details about the tournament:

Long Drive- Objective :

– To hit the ball to the farthest distance by your favourite club which can be driver, rescue or Iron

– person will get three chances

– any club can be used to hit the ball

– distance achieved will be as per the markers placed over there

– player hitting the farthest  distance hit in single stroke will be the winner

Close to the Pin-Objective :

– To check your ability to chip and putt a hole

– game will be of one hole

– to chip and putt the hole in minimum no of strokes will be the winner

– In case of Tie for winning position , one more game will be played between those players only

Bahadurgarh Green Golf Club winter golf tournament for men & women; open to all

Close to the centre line-Objective :

– To check the ability of the player to hit straight  closer to a straight line from 100 yards to 250 yards

– three chances will be given

– anybody hitting closest to the drawn straight line will be the winner  

Putting- Objective :

– to check the putting abilities of a player

– to putt on the green from a fixed distance

– anybody putting the hole in  minimum no of strokes will be winner

-In case of Tie for winning position , one more game will be played between those players only

* Attractive prizes for 1st , 2nd and 3rd Position for all four competitions*