Bank branches dealing with govt business to remain open on Sunday-RBI


Bank branches dealing with govt business to remain open on Sunday-RBI

KS Diwan/ Chandigarh

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has directed the banks to keep open their branches dealing with government business on the last day of the financial year (March 31), which happens to be Sunday.

As per instructions given by the RBI “the Government of India has advised that all Pay and Account Offices will remain open on March 31, 2019 (Sunday) to facilitate government receipt and payment transactions. Accordingly, all Agency Banks are advised to keep all their branches dealing with government business open on March 31, 2019 (Sunday).”

Bank branches dealing with govt business to remain open on Sunday-RBI (Photo courtesy-Internet)

In an another notification issued by the RBI ,” the Government of India has desired that all government transactions done by agency banks for financial year 2018-19 must be accounted for within the same financial year and has requested that, as in previous years, certain special arrangements be made for this purpose.”


The notification further instructed to banks to highlight and shall give due publicity about availability of above banking services on this day.

All electronic transactions, including RTGS and NEFT, will continue for the extended time on March 30 and March 31, 2019 for which RBI will issue necessary instructions, it said