Bank Staff Hostage incident-AIBOC demands Police action


Bank Staff Hostage incident-AIBOC demands Police action

Patiala-The Punjab State Unit of All India Bank Officers Confederation which represents more than 3.20 Lac Bank Officers in the country strongly condemns the action of some farmers for staging a Dharna outside Gajewas Branch of State Bank of India and keeping the entire staff hostage for a day on 3rd of May, 2018. The farmers were protesting against the Auction conducted by the Bank for not repaying Bank’s dues, for which orders have been passed by hon’ble court of law.

In a joint press statement issued here today Deepak Sharma, Joint General Secretary AIBOC (Apex) and Rajiv Sirhindi, Secretary of AIBOC Punjab stated that such actions by the agitating farmers to keep Bank staff hostage for a day is a criminal offence and demanded immediate police action. They told media that the Bankmen are bound to follow the orders passed by the Court and the proceedings were done in accordance with the said orders. But the farmers illegally staged a Dharna outside Branch premises and kept the entire staff hostage which is not at all accepted.

Bank Staff Hostage incident-AIBOC demands Police action

Deepak and Sirhindi said that the Public Sector Banks are serving the country especially the farming sector with all the possible financial assistance. They said that the action of farmers is against the law of land and will be detrimental to maintain dedicated business relations with the community. This  incidents of keeping Bank staff hostage that too for implementing the orders of the Hon’ble court is extremely devastating the moral of all the Bankmen in the area.