Banks putting burden of write offs to Corporate defaulters on common clientele-Com Gupta


Banks putting burden of write offs to Corporate defaulters on common clientele-Com Gupta

Gurjit Singh/ Patiala

On the Call of All India Bank Employees Association a Massive Demonstration was held at Patiala under the Banner of Punjab Bank Employees Federation.

On this occasion Com.S.K.Gautam, General Secretary, Punjab Bank Employees Federation& Joint Secretary, AIBEA while addressing the gathering told that More than 5 lac Bank employees throughout the country, will observe full Day Strike on 22nd October, 2019 against the Anti People policies of Central Govt. He told that Government is bent upon closing the banks on the name of merger. He said that the real agenda is to masquerade the huge bad loans by hiding them under a bigger balance sheet.

Banks putting burden of write offs to Corporate defaulters on common clientele-Com Gupta

Com.Yadvinder Gupta, President State Bank of India Employees Union (Chd.Circle) &Asstt. General Secretary, PBEF while addressing the gathering said that it is matter of grave concern that the burden of haircuts, Concessions, write offs extended to the Corporate Defaulters is being put on the shoulders of common banking clientele in the form of Penalty Charges and increased service charges. Hence fight against bad loans  is part of our struggle against merger and privatisation.

On this occasion Com.Balvir Sharma, Vice President, Com.Rajesh Khanna, Organising Secretary, Com. Hoshiar Chand, Organising Secretary,Com.Birinder Singh, Com.Tarun Kaura, Com.Divya Pal Singh also addressed the gathering.

They condemned the total apathy and indifference of the Government to the serious economic crisis that is  threatening the country, which has resulted in huge job losses of the workers. Instead of boosting investments in social and public sector , the Government has been announcing concessions to the corporate sector.