Bathinda administration celebrated 550th Gurpurb; self help group dominated the show


Bathinda administration celebrated 550th Gurpurb; self help group dominated the show

Gurpreet Kaur/ Bathinda

Footfall of people witnessed high number in the stalls where homemade edibles and other articles were put up on sale by the Self Help Groups and progressive farmers of Bathinda and surrounding areas. These stalls were setup by the district administration in Rose Garden during three days celebrations of the 550th Parkash Purb in Bathinda.

A progressive farmer from Mandi Khurd is selling his self-made energy drink B-Treat, which is made by ingredients like bee-pollen, honey, citric acid. Divulging more details about this product, Jagtar Singh  said that he wished to made a kind of edible which is made up of natural ingredients without and un-natural preservatives.

Bathinda administration celebrated 550th Gurpurb; self help group dominated the show

“The shelf-life of this product is nearly 90 days and now we are in the process of formally launching this energy drink in coming days,” Jagtar said. He added that they have got their product registered with the Food Security Standard Act License and the ISO number too would be received in this regard soon.

Jagtar said that they have started selling this drink in homes, schools and colleges and would also send it to the hospitals after completing the paper formalities.”At present we are selling this drink for Rs 50 and it may go down after the rise of its volume in coming days,” Jagtar said. He claimed that this health drink helps in reducing stress due to the presence of bee pollen and the presence of honey helps in boosting immune system. He pointed out that this is a natural health drink which will help people in improving their health.