Bathinda-Election Commission changed four Polling stations


Bathinda-Election Commission changed four Polling stations

KS Diwan/ Bathinda

District Election Officer-cum-Deputy Commissioner Parneet said that 4 polling stations under Bathinda urban assembly constituency have been changed.

He said a proposal to change the polling booths number 81, 82, 83 and 84 under Bathinda urban-92 in Vidhan Sabha constituency was received from the electoral registration officer-cum-sub-divisional magistrate Bathinda and the same was forwarded to the Election Commission of India, New Delhi. The same   has been accepted by the Election Commission of India.

DC bathinda Parneet

Giving more information about changed polling stations, the District Election Officer informed that the polling station no. 81 which was earlier at SE Punjab (W / S) sewerage board (east side) has been now changed to the office PUDA at Bhagu Road Bathinda (Eastern side), polling station no. 82 which was earlier at SE Punjab (W / S) sewerage (west side) has been shifted to the office at PUDA at  Bhagua Road Bathinda (west side),  Polling Station No. 83 – Office of Executive Engineer  (W / S) Sanitation Division number 3 (Establishment  branch ) from the south side has been shifted to the office at PUDA at Bhagu Road Bathinda (on the north side) .Similarly, the polling station number 84-office Executive Engineer  (W / S) Sanitation Division number 3 (Northern side) has been shifted to PUDA office Bhagu Road Bathinda (central location).

Parneet has urged all the voters belonging to the above polling booths to vote on the newly created, shifted polling booths during the forthcoming Lok Sabha elections-2019. He also informed that booth level officers will be made sure to distribute the voter slip of these areas, to every voter.