Being a teacher is a wonderful experience-Prof Arvind


Being a teacher is a wonderful experience-Prof Arvind

Prof Arvind/ September 5,2023

Being a teacher is a wonderful experience. I began my teaching career formally in 1997, however, I have been teaching in an informal way since 1986. I have taught physics to a diverse set of students at a wide range of institutions: GND University Amritsar, Carnegie Mellon University USA, IIT Madras, IISER Mohali, and Punjabi University Patiala.

Being involved with the processes of teaching and learning is a rewarding experience and it allows one to associate with diverse subject matters, new perspectives, and of course connect intimately with the younger generation.

As one of my teachers was fond of saying, “Being a teacher gives one the opportunity of remaining an eternal student!” For me, the most exciting part of my day is the time I spend in the classroom with students. This is partly because, around half of my lecture is not planned in advance, it unfolds during the classroom interaction and therefore is created “on the fly” somewhat like the improvisations of the “khayal” in Hindustani classical music.

A teacher is a role model, since students observe their teachers not just in the classroom, but the entire “life of a teacher” is open to students. Therefore, in my opinion a teacher should strive to live in a way that motivates the students to pursue a life with strong human values.

On Teachers Day I always remember my own teachers from school, college and university, as well as my students, who I think have learned from me. I consider myself fortunate that I am in the middle of my teaching journey, with my teachers and mentors still motivating me to contribute meaningfully and my students demanding mentorship.

Being a teacher is a wonderful experience-Prof Arvind
VC Punjabi University

Being a teacher in today’s India I think is especially challenging but also very meaningful – for me personally, I have found the experience of teaching Physics in Punjabi to undergraduate students from traditionally marginalized communities a satisfying experience. I think teaching as a profession should be an agent for positive social change and should be an equipping tool for individuals to unlock their hidden potential.

Note: The writer, Prof Arvind is a Vice Chancellor of Punjabi University, Patiala