Bodybuilder graduating to Power lifting; Rajneet Kaur wins Gold in Power lifting event at Khedan Watan Punjab Diyan


Bodybuilder graduating to Power lifting; Rajneet Kaur wins Gold in Power lifting event at Khedan Watan Punjab Diyan

Bureau/ Chandigarh/ October 27,2023

It’s a progression of sorts for Rajneet Kaur who has taken to the power sports like a fish takes to water. This power athlete from Mohali, who is serving as the Food Inspector in Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Department at Chandigarh, packed a punch and won Gold in Power lifting in under 57kg category in senior category i.e. 31-40 years at Bathinda in ‘Khedan Watan Punjab Diyan’ organised by Punjab Government. She even won a Bench Press competition organised recently at Goraya in the senior category under 57 kg weight category.

Bodybuilder graduating to Power lifting; Rajneet Kaur wins Gold in Power lifting event at Khedan Watan Punjab Diyan

Not only this, Rajneet had also bagged top position in the Ms. Chandigarh organised by Indian Bodybuilders Federation under female bikini category.