Camp court organized at Fatehgarh Sahib, 10 under trials released


Camp court organized at Fatehgarh Sahib, 10 under trials released

Kanwar Inder Singh/ News/ June 17,2023

District Legal Services Authority, Fatehgarh Sahib Under the aegis of Punjab State Legal Services Authority and able guidance of  Manjinder Singh, Member Secretary Punjab State Legal Services Authority and Arun Gupta District and Sessions Judge-cum-Chairman District Legal Services Authority, Fatehgarh Sahib organised a camp court here today  to set at liberty the undertrials confined in New District Jail Nabha for minor and petty offences. Secretary DLSA, Manpreet Kaur explained that the process of “SUFAL; Systematic Assessment of Undertrials For According Legal Aid has been carried out to identify those in jail for minor offences with a focus on reform rather than punishment. As a novel and unique gesture those who had been set free planted fruit bearing plants in the jail

premises on the occasion and promised to make fruitful contribution to the society in future .A total of 10 number of under trials have been released from confinement so far from Jail at New District Jail Nabha through special camp courts and fruit bearing plants such as Mango‚ Guava, Jamun etc were planted in jail premises by under trials. Such Camp courts have been named “SUFAL” Camps.

Camp court organized at Fatehgarh Sahib, 10 under trials released

Ramandeep Singh Bhangu Jail Superintendent,  Rajdeep Singh Brar, Deputy Superintendent, Puneet Kumar Garg Assistant Superintendent, Shreef Mohammad Assistant Superintendent were also present on the occasion.