CBI files a chargesheet against 12 including public servants and private persons in a misappropriation of funds


CBI files a chargesheet against 12 including public servants and private persons in a misappropriation of funds

Kanwar Inder Singh/ royalpatiala.in/ Chandigarh

The Central Bureau of Investigation has today filed a chargesheet before the Special Judge, CBI cases, Shimla (Himachal Pradesh) against 12 accused including then Dealing Hand/Superintendent Grade-II; then Assistant Director-cum-DDO; 04 then Superintendents Grade-I-cum-DDO (all then officials of Directorate of Higher Education, Shimla) & then Head Cashier, Central Bank of India, Nawanshahr (Punjab) and 02 then Campus Directors; then Vice Chairman; then Chairman; then Officiating Principal (all persons from a Private Group of Institutions based at Pandoga, Una, Himachal Pradesh).

Name of the accused:

  1. Sh. Arvind Rajta, then Dealing Hand/Supdt. G-II.
  2. Smt. Mala Mehta, then DDO -cum- Asstt. Director.
  3. Sh. Shriram Sharma, then Supdt G-1-cum-DDO.
  4. Sh. Surinder Mohan Kanwar, then Supdt G-1-cum-DDO.
  5. Sh. Ashok Kumar, then Supdt G-1-cum- DDO.
  6. Sh. Virender Kumar, then Supdt G-1-cum-DDO.

(All then Officials of Directorate of Higher Education, Shimla).

  1. Smt. Saroj Sharma, then Campus Director, K.C.Group of institutions Pandoga, Una(Himachal Pradesh).
  2. Dr. B. S. Sandhu, then Campus Director, K.C.Group of institutions, Pandoga, Una(Himachal Pradesh).
  3. Sh.Hitesh Gandhi, then Vice Chairman/ Owner of K.C.Group of Institutions, Pandoga,Una(Himachal Pradesh).
  4. Sh.Prem Pal Gandhi, then Chairman/Owner,K.C.Group of Institutions, Pandoga,Una(Himachal Pradesh).
  5. Smt. Kiran Choudhary, then Officiating Principal, K.C.Group of Institutions, Pandoga, Una(Himachal Pradesh).
  6. Sh.Surinder Pal Singh, then Head Cashier, Central Bank of India, Nawanshahr, (Punjab).

CBI files a chargesheet against 12 including public servants and private persons in a misappropriation of funds-Photo Courtesy-Internet

CBI had registered a case on 07.05.2019 on the request of Himachal Pradesh Government and taken over the investigation of the case earlier registered vide  FIR No. 0133 dated 16.11.2018 u/s 409, 419, 465, 466 and 471 of IPC at Police Station, East Shimla against unknown persons. It was alleged that Education Department of Himachal Pradesh Government was disbursing Pre-Matric and Post-Matric scholarships under the State and centrally sponsored schemes for SC/ST/OBC/MC students. An Enquiry was conducted through a State Project Officer on complaints pertaining to non-receipt of scholarships by the students, which revealed the irregularities in disbursement of funds. It was further alleged that there were complicity of individuals from the Education Department of Himachal Pradesh Government, Central Government, Bank Officials and Institutions. The Income/ Caste certificates were not allegedly verified. It was also alleged that some Institutions had opened the bank accounts of students nearby their institutions. More than 80% of the total money disbursed was allegedly granted through Private Institutions.

During investigation, CBI had conducted searches and also arrested then Dealing Hand/ Superintendent Grade II at Directorate Higher Education, Shimla; then Head Cashier Central Bank of India, Nawanshahr (Punjab) and then Vice Chairman of said group of Institutions, Pandoga (Una).

CBI files a chargesheet against 12 including public servants and private persons in a misappropriation of funds.Further investigation is continuing.

The public is reminded that the above findings are based on the investigation done by CBI and evidence collected by it. Under the Indian Law, the accused are presumed to be innocent till their guilt is finally established after a fair trial.
