Central University of Punjab organized 10-Day online National Workshop


Central University of Punjab organized 10-Day online National Workshop

Jasbir Kapoor/ royalpatiala.in/ Bathinda

Under the patronage of  Vice-Chancellor Prof. R.K. Kohli, the Central University of Punjab, Bathinda (CUPB) successfully organized an MHRD sponsored 10-Day online National Workshop on Curriculum Design and Development (CD&D for Science Faculty from 21-31 July 2020. CUPB School of Education executed this programme under Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching Scheme to enhance the CD&D skills of young science faculty members. Around 100 faculty members from various Universities / Colleges representing 19 different states actively participated in this workshop.

During the Valedictory Session, Prof S.K. Bawa, HoD, Dept. of Education, & Programme Coordinator presented the Programme Report. She mentioned that this Workshop is an attempt during the period of coronavirus pandemic to provide online training on CD&D to science faculty members. She stated that in this Workshop, total nineteen modules were covered where reputed academicians joined as resource persons and imparted training on different dimensions of CD&D such as Issues & Trends in Curriculum Development; Historical, Philosophical & Psychological basis of Curriculum Development; Curriculum Change & its factors;  Curriculum Stages; Global Perspective; International Strategies; Formulation of Learning Outcomes of Programme; Choice Based Credit System; Curriculum Process; Knowledge-Based Curriculum Development; Technical / Non-technical Models & Principals of Curriculum Development; Curriculum Evaluation; Curriculum Audit; and Sustainable Development Goals and Curriculum. She emphasized that the topics covered in this National Workshop are well aligned with the vision of New Education Policy and focus on empowering young science faculty to design curriculum as per the requirements of the modern era. She informed that learning outcomes were evaluated at the end of each session, She highlighted that the Overall Average Score of the Learning Outcomes during this Workshop was 73 %, and participants shared positive feedback for the Workshop in every session.

Central University of Punjab organized 10-Day online National Workshop 

Prof Ramakrishna Wusurika, Dean Incharge Academic Affairs appreciated the participants for getting high Overall Learning Outcome Score during this online Workshop, which indicates their level of attentiveness, engagement, interaction, and presence in all sessions. Prof PK. Mishra, Dean School of Social Sciences, emphasized that with the arrival of New Education Policy-2020, the challenges have extended to align the curriculum with the Sustainable Development Goals. He urged everyone to come up with a constructive vision and make India a global knowledge superpower. Prof. Tarun Arora, Dean School of Legal Studies, appealed everyone to apply the learning of this 10-day workshop in designing the dynamic curriculum of their respective institute and share their feedback with the organizers. Dr Shankar Lal Bika, Associate Dean, School of Education, gave the formal vote of thanks towards the end of this programme.
